I can already smell the EXACT type of plot this is about to be lol

Slacket November 28, 2023 3:44 am

I can already smell the EXACT type of plot this is about to be lol

    Ttdixy January 2, 2024 4:41 am

    what kind? may I ask

    Slacket January 2, 2024 6:15 am
    what kind? may I ask Ttdixy

    I imagine it’ll contain the following things:
    1. Xia Sanzhu (MC) will not be talking the initiative on any kind of reasonable measure to defend himself against Jiang Zheng, and he’ll be the classic meek character that lets obvious issues slide.
    2. Sanzhu will fall into the predictable ‘nurturing, looks up to Yuzhi, lets himself get walked all over’ role in whatever relationship he ends up in given his temperament, which will serve as a contrast to what i’m guessing Li Yuzhi‘s personality will be: (cold, ‘don’t mess with me [to everyone but MC]’ type)
    3. Bonus points if Yuzhi somehow publicly shames or embarrasses Jiang Zheng