This fl really really don't deserve siyun.. my guy has been trying his best but this dumb ...

ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ November 27, 2023 9:55 pm

This fl really really don't deserve siyun.. my guy has been trying his best but this dumb ass jeongmin really gave him hell over a misunderstanding..

    gros batard November 27, 2023 11:30 pm

    she literally thiught he was a murderer, which is insane and also broke all trust, and went against all promises made. relax

    Sxfia.o November 27, 2023 11:59 pm
    she literally thiught he was a murderer, which is insane and also broke all trust, and went against all promises made. relax gros batard

    No she just always assumes the worst of him like wtf if you rlly and truly love someone you would use COMMUNICATION to settle it not flipping run as soon as your partner is struggling and not as PERFECT as you want them to be

    TiredOfLife November 28, 2023 12:08 am
    No she just always assumes the worst of him like wtf if you rlly and truly love someone you would use COMMUNICATION to settle it not flipping run as soon as your partner is struggling and not as PERFECT as you ... Sxfia.o

    Tbf, siyun thought he did it to, so if they talked, shit woulda came out the same. What was the fl supposed to do? Even after a "I DIDNT MEAN IT" from siyun, she was supposed to wait for the whole autopsy report? Idk, i think u need to drink water.

    Also, siyun is DERANGED, any LOGICAL person would start getting very antsy. He borderline almost succumbed to absuing her as an option. I love these characters just as much as the next person, but lets be so fucking for real for TWO SECONDS

    Sxfia.o November 28, 2023 12:26 am
    Tbf, siyun thought he did it to, so if they talked, shit woulda came out the same. What was the fl supposed to do? Even after a "I DIDNT MEAN IT" from siyun, she was supposed to wait for the whole autopsy repor... TiredOfLife

    If u wanna be real, be real about the fact that she found out THAT DAY literally a couple of hours that it wasn’t him and that she’s shaking for her phone knowing she fucked up AND funny of you to forget she was just as fucked up as him in the first half of these chapters. Conclusion is they both need therapy not just him.

    gros batard November 28, 2023 12:39 am
    If u wanna be real, be real about the fact that she found out THAT DAY literally a couple of hours that it wasn’t him and that she’s shaking for her phone knowing she fucked up AND funny of you to forget sh... Sxfia.o

    dude did u even read that persons comment. they literally went over everything u just said

    TiredOfLife November 28, 2023 12:49 am
    If u wanna be real, be real about the fact that she found out THAT DAY literally a couple of hours that it wasn’t him and that she’s shaking for her phone knowing she fucked up AND funny of you to forget sh... Sxfia.o

    Your conclusion doesnt even match your argument anyone can see they both need professional help from miles away

    1) Both of them were deranged from day 1, okay, cool, that doesnt mean that they dont deserve eachother, in fact they match. I didnt forget that, its just that the fl has CHANGED and has become more logical, whereas Siyun is still fucking deranged. I can recognize the effort Siyun has put into changing, but either way he's relapsing into his violent tendancies, even if he didnt intend to do that. Intention does not make up for whats happened, even if he didnt kill the father, he still had a violent brush with him (even if it was deserved). My point still stands that any logical person, especially in the situation that the FL was in, WOULD RUN.
    2) She tried to call him back because she realized she was wrong, BUT Siyun still thinks he did it, so that doesnt change what WOULDVE happened if they talked prior to her finding out. Its a plot twist neither of the characters foresaw.

    There is no solid reason that u've brought up as to why Jyeonmin doesnt deserve Siyun.
    Again, i love Siyun and Jyeonmin as much as the next person, and the author is doing an absolutely amazing job at telling their story. Honestly truly, communication would not have fixed this. The FL ASKED IF HE HAD ANYTHING TO SAY and Siyun couldn't. That was a genuine attempt, and a reasonable one for the situation at hand.

    Siyun and Jyeonmin (i totally spelled that wrong) did make a genuine attempt at being a couple, and Jyeonmin made her boundaries clear and was even accepting. If Jyeonmin didnt run after BOTH of them thought Siyun killed her father, she would be no different then a brainless cow.

    But yes, both do need professional help lol

    Sxfia.o November 28, 2023 12:51 am

    NOICE I’m glad we agree

    dayflower November 28, 2023 4:12 am

    "gave him hell over a misunderstanding" and the misunderstanding in question is murdering her father (=・ω・=)

    gros batard November 28, 2023 4:14 am
    "gave him hell over a misunderstanding" and the misunderstanding in question is murdering her father (=・ω・=) dayflower


    dayflower November 28, 2023 4:17 am
    LMFAOOOOOOO gros batard

    they r so ridiculous i don't even feel like reasoning with them

    ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ November 28, 2023 3:46 pm
    "gave him hell over a misunderstanding" and the misunderstanding in question is murdering her father (=・ω・=) dayflower

    Ahmm "abusive father" no one in there right mind would grieve over their abuser until unless you have weird fetish of getting beaten up and also yh a "misunderstanding" because what she thought didn't even happen.. she doesn't even know what siyun nightmare was about. She just assumed the worst of him. Soooo.. yh think before saying something lol

    dayflower November 28, 2023 4:11 pm
    Ahmm "abusive father" no one in there right mind would grieve over their abuser until unless you have weird fetish of getting beaten up and also yh a "misunderstanding" because what she thought didn't even happ... ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ

    LOL you really don't understand how abuse victims' minds work bc most victims have a complex relationship with their abuser and don't think about their situation in black and white. it's so easy for you to judge from an outside perspective but you can't even think about how she lived with his person her entire life and he wasn't always abusive until a few years ago, so it's not easy for her to support his murder.

    also siyun himself admitted that he's the one who killed her dad. he said it to her in words. she didn't assume anything. i think maybe you're the one who needs to reread

    ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ November 28, 2023 5:19 pm
    LOL you really don't understand how abuse victims' minds work bc most victims have a complex relationship with their abuser and don't think about their situation in black and white. it's so easy for you to judg... dayflower

    Alright! first of all don't assume about someone's personal experience based on few comments here and there.. Second of all this is fiction not real life and real people react differently to real situations. Your stuff about abused developing complex relationships doesn't really apply here plus I did like to see where the hell siyun admitted he murdered her father I don't think so I missed anything maybe you need to reread siyun nightmare was about choking him but he actually died by accident.. Also you do realize that siyun is the victim here.. and what fl is doing is mentally abusing him she knows he's emotionally dependent on her yet still doesn't give him a chance to explain, leaves him deranged especially after all the things he's done for her! then when realized her mistake tries to reach for him.. when I said she doesn't deserve him and should leave him alone this is exactly what I meant But again this is fiction only we all know they'll end up together no matter how mentally fucked up they are and I said what I thought if you disagree then disagree don't look for arguments here. Peace

    dayflower November 28, 2023 7:31 pm

    saying she "mentally abused him" is WILD omg that's a funny thing to say about a when he was the one trying to control her and threaten her into staying with him by hurting other people. she forgave him for everything and stayed by his side on the one condition that he didn't kill her dad.

    i know he didn't kill her dad but in this situation, they both genuinely believed he killed her dad so i'm judging their perspectives based on that. also, before she broke up with him, she asked him why he killed her dad but he had no answer. she didn't jump to leave him, she actually communicated. you say she doesn't let him explain but she did.

    "no one in there right mind would grieve over their abuser until unless you have weird fetish of getting beaten up" you made assumptions here too, like not every abuse victim is going to process their abuse the same way. it doesn't make them a gross fetishist who loves being abused just because they don't wish harm on their abuser.

    i'm just frustrated bc everyone easily forgave him for the horrible things he did to her, but the moment she gets tired and leaves him, everyone says she doesn't deserve him.
