YOU are unbelievable. This is Taein's first ever serious relationship and it was with a ma...

Junesonata November 27, 2023 5:20 pm

YOU are unbelievable.
This is Taein's first ever serious relationship and it was with a man. He used to always get dumped so I get where he's coming from.

It was clear as day that he's suffering from anxiety, and it while it was also true he's lacking in communicating his pains, Soohyuk is always dismissing Taein's worries.

He's making less effort and it shows.

Soohyuk is ALWAYS jealous when men or women shows the slightest interest to Taein, but he's meeting up nonchalantly with his FIRST LOVE??? The math aint mathing. He's selfish.

And when Taein is in the hospital bed. Omg dont get me started.
Motherfucker said he will take Seol (his first love)homeee? Like hello. Your lover JUST woke up.
The girl can go home just fine and he can ask Han to buy porridge instead.

Or ask both of them to buy prrodge and clear the misunderstanding first hand.

    splyat December 2, 2023 12:10 am

    Didn't he phone a friend to take Seol home in the hospital

    Junesonata December 2, 2023 2:13 pm
    Didn't he phone a friend to take Seol home in the hospital splyat

    Read it again.
    The moment Taein wake up, he told him he's gonna take Seol home and buy him a porridge.

    He only called Han to take Seol home bc Taein is upset and wants to break up.

    splyat December 2, 2023 8:03 pm
    Read it again.The moment Taein wake up, he told him he's gonna take Seol home and buy him a porridge.He only called Han to take Seol home bc Taein is upset and wants to break up. Junesonata

    Damn. He's terrible. I wanna go back to believing my misreading Dx