Hii everyone!Tell me, is there any fujoshi community/group in line? I'd like to join wwww (●'◡'●)ノ
give me your line ID
It's yurayura.yurachka
i would like to join to
sorry, I am late at replying.please give me your Line ID
I don't know what's the line ID meanbut if it's the unique ID IT IS 125182OR am I wrong ?
If it's a nickname for me it will be " Yukina.Kou "
you can find it at your setting. and ID Yukina.Kou not found. Edit profile -> setting -> basic. You can see User ID there.
125182that's it
125182that's the ID
I am sorry, Id Line 125182 not found. do you have fb? or twitter? I'll help you find your Line ID
yeah i have it'steme_ali@yahoo.commy name will be samya ali
that's the FB account
Hii everyone!
Tell me, is there any fujoshi community/group in line? I'd like to join wwww (●'◡'●)ノ