It seems like this seme and the seme from a "trace of wonder" are vying for the top spot of being the most stupidly delusional seme. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
One's saying "I have got him wrapped around my little finger" Other one saying " i have yeoseon(did i spell correctly?) In the palm of my hand" Like, come on.....yeah , u have control over them. That's why whenever even a little something happens to them u become fanatic , running around like a Maniac finding ways to help them, soothe them and like stupid obsessive fool u keep saying "mine, mine" like the ducks in "finding nemo" .
The only thing i LOVE about This kinda semes r to watch the despair on their face upon the realization of the truth when the ukes slips outta their hands ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I JUST CAME FROM THAT MANGA TOO!!! Its a bit ironic because one uke wants to die and the seme wants to kill the other LMAO. I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE REACTION WHEN HE REALISES HES TRYING TO KILL HIM. I WANT TO SEE GROVELINGGGG
It seems like this seme and the seme from a "trace of wonder" are vying for the top spot of being the most stupidly delusional seme. ヽ(`Д´)ノ
One's saying "I have got him wrapped around my little finger"
Other one saying " i have yeoseon(did i spell correctly?) In the palm of my hand"
Like, come on.....yeah , u have control over them. That's why whenever even a little something happens to them u become fanatic , running around like a Maniac finding ways to help them, soothe them and like stupid obsessive fool u keep saying "mine, mine" like the ducks in "finding nemo" .
The only thing i LOVE about This kinda semes r to watch the despair on their face upon the realization of the truth when the ukes slips outta their hands ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭