featured manga section is going bad for me

kiwimo November 27, 2023 8:41 am

(⊙…⊙ )

I feel like all the featured manga is either popular yaoi i’ve been read or random hardcore straight p*** which i am not at all interested in ( ̄へ ̄)Once in awhile theres something good I can read but even then I read it and it’s just like Jinx where it’s entertaining but not really anything else… anyone have tips for getting to the good stuff

    Soohwa November 27, 2023 8:46 am

    I usually stay away from the featured for the same reasons. You def should look through people’s list!! I usually find a bunch of good gls that way( ̄∇ ̄") Another way I find good stories is by looking at Feeds and seeing the commentary being left or looking at recently uploaded and finding a cover that catches my eye.
    My overall recommendation is looking at lists especially if your looking for something specific like Yuri or office romance. A lot of people build up rlly good lists with great commentary.

    Woop Woop November 27, 2023 8:57 am

    Personally I check out the project the translators are working on or the magazines that the manga's getting published in when I want to find some new good stuff. This only really works for non-romance though.
    For romance, I'll check the last updates section or the People Also Like section. There's a 70% chance you'll find garbage though