Too much for my pea sized brain

JJKTHV November 27, 2023 7:46 am

Can someone explain me TJ and ian's relationship from the beginning? T_T

    Mel November 28, 2023 9:43 pm

    i think they used to date or be casual when both of them were gagsters but ian didnt want that life anymore and staying with tj was holding him back so he wanted to cut ties with him but obv tj dosent want that so he keeps finding ian. but idk

    JJKTHV November 29, 2023 4:41 am

    Ahh I see but i still don't get what was the accident where ian's legs were stiched and pretty messed up was about? Did tj set that up?

    Mel November 29, 2023 11:30 pm
    Ahh I see but i still don't get what was the accident where ian's legs were stiched and pretty messed up was about? Did tj set that up? JJKTHV

    I think that still needs to be revealed. Cause I think tj himself has some nasty scars on his stomach aswell

    JJKTHV November 30, 2023 2:00 am

    Okok thanks for the explanation<3

    Norn December 4, 2023 3:22 pm
    Okok thanks for the explanation<3 JJKTHV

    Yes, TJ set it up. TJ also orchestrated it so Ian would kill someone and made sure he would serve jail time for it, and put him in debt so he won't be able to leave. Dude is toxic as fuck.

    Mel December 4, 2023 6:51 pm
    Yes, TJ set it up. TJ also orchestrated it so Ian would kill someone and made sure he would serve jail time for it, and put him in debt so he won't be able to leave. Dude is toxic as fuck. Norn


    JakeG December 12, 2023 11:42 am
    Yes, TJ set it up. TJ also orchestrated it so Ian would kill someone and made sure he would serve jail time for it, and put him in debt so he won't be able to leave. Dude is toxic as fuck. Norn

    Sorry, but at what chapter is it revealed that TJ was the one that set up the incident where Ian killed the other dude? I don't remember about that part.
    TJ did sent people after Ian, but him falling out of the balcony was an accident. He wanted to scare him and made him stay. Not break his legs and almost kill him. It wasn't okay AT ALL, but it wasn't his intention.
    About the jail time, I do believe Ian needed that one - to atone for his sins. He himself said that it's something wrong with him, not feeling anything after killing a person. About the debt, TJ did it to chain Ian to himself, that's true - but with the jail time, I'm not so sure. I think he did realize that Ian was off of tracks.
    Jason was the one who although knew Ian wasn't suited for this world, kept Ian with him, because he found him "interesting."
    By the time he'd have let him go, Ian was pretty much destroyed...

    Also, I have to add, Ian was very well aware that this man loves him, and obsessing over him - He did admit that it was something he found pleasure in, because he felt it proves something to him. And previously mentioned, we still do not know about TJ's scars, how he got them - Ian feels pretty guilty about them. (Which TJ also uses against him.) Not to mention Ian's toxic coping mechanisms and past drog use - TJ was the one who helped him through it. We still don't know a lot about their past.

    I do agree with you on his toxicity, that's obvious - but it's more complex than that, in my opinion.