As a reader of Chinese Xianxia and BL online novels, I THANK YOU so much for confirming that. I noticed how second and third generation rich young masters always call the hired cook "auntie" and the choffer "uncle" in Chinese BLs (I kinda liked that cause I too had an "auntie" of sorts growing up, and she WAS like family)

Hahaha yep. It bugs me so much actually when western fans of something try to push the "shipping them is a proship because he/she calls him (insert familial title)" like no . In fact growing up I thought that "auntie (ayi)" was actually a job title for maid and had no idea that meant aunt cause I called my aunt something else lol

That really doesn't bother me too much because it's a mythology or in this case, a 'fanfic' of the Egyptian mythology. In some myths, there is always an incestuous relationship. The Greek has Gaia and Uranus (mother/son), Zeus and Hera(siblings), the Japanese one has Izanami and Izanagi (twins). Even Isis and Osiris, Nepthys and Seth are siblings. Same thing for their parents.
i love the story so far but am i the only one bothered by the fact that they actively call each other uncle/ nephew ???