KNS November 27, 2023 3:44 am

I don't know why I expected something different from the author of ANTI P.T. But if you did liked that one, then you'll like this too. Filled with bullshit outcomes, bullshit character development, if you can even call it that. MC is timid, dangerously naïve in his desperation to cling to a friend, who has shown him their worst side and then becomes even less likeable (in my opinion), when he chooses to lie to the amnesiac bully. No worthy consequences are given to the antagonists of this story, mainly the "Hyung" and purpled haired minion.

Spoiler(not really but kind) alert!! below i go in deeper on just how bullshit the story and its characters are.

For me, the whole thing is detestable. Every character is essentially shit. Starting with the MC, maybe it's because I'm not a fan of weakling, naïve characters, but that's literally all he was. I get that he was bullied because of his facial expression etc, but honestly, why not take a proactive stance and try to actually get good at fighting or whatever. No character development from him, he chose to lie to someone with Amnesia because he liked them better "nice", which is just wrong. And the fact that he kept crying over the ML being hot and cold, when this guy was clearly showing him just how much of dick he is, was super annoying. I feel like the ML could have hit him with a bat and the MC would still try to "understand" him, with some bullshit "he's my friend" mentality. Onto the ML, I'll cut him some slack because it seems like his bully persona was probably brought on by that fucked up "Hyung". And it's said that he had to go through all of that and no one helped him blah blah blah(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜. But still he was an Asshole and sort of deserved that knock to the head. Now the purpled haired guy, I've never understood people like that. It's disgusting that he literally went out of his way to be a bitch and put the ML (and MC ) in harms way. What the actual fuck. And to end it with the ML asking to be friends? The fuck. He clearly has the potential to be a stalker or much worse. Setting people up just because "he doesn't love me anymore"??? There's nothing that can excuse that sort of behaviour. Now the brother... lord that is a fucking mess of a person and he should have gotten jail time for that bullshit or even death. The guy is clearly deranged and that smirk at the end, when he got caught, just proves that if given the chance he would do it all over again. I mean is the Dad okay in the head? You're literally sending a known psychopath to a foreign country with a clean slate, to do the same shit to other people??? Lastly the secretary... lord, a grown woman, who could have stopped all of it before it even escalated. The apology means Jack shit. "I don't want you to get hurt anymore"?? What kind of bullshit is that! What gets to me is that she had the means to contact the Dad and let me know what was happening( WITH FUCKING PROOF), a long fucking time ago. But chose not to... because of her job? Like who would fire you??

The whole story is bullshit and what's scary is that this kind of trope is a reality in Japanese and Korean culture. The actions of; stalkers, abusive family members, shitty friends, bullies.etc, are swept under the rug and not holding people accountable, is a norm especially if the perpetrator is rich or influential. Either done to save face or just to just plain rely on karma to get them back. Everyone in this story clearly suffers from mental health issues and none of this equates to a happy ending .

    Euna (I make long ass essays) December 10, 2023 2:46 pm

    thanks for saving me the time reading this, now I know not to read it ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ

    jelly ⋆˚✿˖° February 4, 2024 6:09 am

    shut up bro if ur sensitive on sensitive topics then maybe dont read it? acting like all korean stories should be all cupcakes and rainbows

    jelly ⋆˚✿˖° February 4, 2024 6:10 am
    thanks for saving me the time reading this, now I know not to read it ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ Euna (I make long ass essays)

    no please read it. its really good

    Farscapewho747 February 26, 2024 6:57 pm

    Unfortunately you are right about the saving face thing. The father’s first thought were most likely that if what happened got out it might damage the company, so rather than actually punishing his son’s rapist and abuser he chose to keep it hidden which is fucked up. If i had been the mc’s I wouldn’t stand for that and perhaps bring evidence to the police. So rather than sending the person who raped and abused his son for years just gives him a fucking job somewhere else, that bastard who would stop him from coming back for revenge?

    Fly King March 9, 2024 7:55 pm
    thanks for saving me the time reading this, now I know not to read it ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ Euna (I make long ass essays)

    it's not a perfect story but it's actually a fun read, i hated anti pt but this was waaaaay better in comparison

    min_nad March 30, 2024 1:10 pm

    I don't know if you know or read svsss but damn ok Shen yuan