So far its interesting but,

BLOW POP SECRETS November 27, 2023 1:24 am

Was going good until now I think. Chapter 5 is a head scratcher, How can ONE bad experience ruin women for him (seme)? Whats that even mean when you are gay and already knew so back then? And if he means “platonically” he literally has positive examples with good interactions with women all the time - his mother and customers - so why let one bad woman some how change your WHOLE view of women that have nothing to do with that one negative experience? And why let your brother’s bad judgement in his choice of partner cause you to shoot yourself in the foot by rejecting and hurting the person you love? And the brother did perfectly good as a big brother by immediately taking his side against the ex but to cut off all communication with baby bro is soooo dramatic, wildly unnecessary. He can feel shame and apologize and work on strengthening their relationship rather than cutting it off. Both big bro and little bro take things that arent that serious way too far and just inflict pain not only on themselves but on the others around them - the uke and the parents. These holes in the plot dont make the most sense, its trying TOO HARD TO BE DEEPER THAN IT IS in my opinion but im still invested to see what happens next especially with the creep the uke works with and I think the art is good.

    rain November 27, 2023 2:46 am

    Yes. Yes. This. They could have gone with my brother is gay and the parents didn't like it - that would have worked better than this whole "women are ruined for me" thing

    BLOW POP SECRETS November 27, 2023 3:22 am
    Yes. Yes. This. They could have gone with my brother is gay and the parents didn't like it - that would have worked better than this whole "women are ruined for me" thing rain

    See now that would've made some sense. The actions of both brothers would then be more understandable and we could empathize with them. The plot would be smoother I think

    hachi leaf November 27, 2023 4:57 pm

    that one line was so unnecessary tbh i wish the author just left that out cause what was even the point when he was already gay to begin with lmao. i feel like author is internally a misogynist whether subconsciously or not

    hachi leaf November 27, 2023 5:00 pm

    though i understand if it caused him minor trauma tbh. maybe that's what he meant idk... like being involved with a woman outside his family reminds him of that time and all...

    Midnight November 30, 2023 12:42 am

    Hey, that one experience for him was awful. We all saw that bitch was looking at him with impure intentions. But, in a few years, he is okay to be around women but not be with them.

    His brother did the right thing by breaking off the engagement and taking his brother's side. But, leaving the family was dramatic. He needs to communicate more with his family.

    rain November 30, 2023 1:53 am
    Hey, that one experience for him was awful. We all saw that bitch was looking at him with impure intentions. But, in a few years, he is okay to be around women but not be with them. His brother did the right th... Midnight

    Nu we get the whole trauma thing. We are not saying that he wasn't traumatized, ofc he was - he was a highschooler who feels guilty that he tore his family apart.
    Please read the OP's comment again lol. The point is the implications of this "trauma" haven't been properly implemented in the story. He should have problems talking to any women. And there's no link between that and his unwillingness to having a gay relationship?