dw babes there will be plenty of gay smut later on in the story!!! yaoi is one of the few places where showing men on men action is not only allowed but celebrated! We are starved for that kind of representation in most media nowadays, so I totally get where you’re coming from. pinky promise this story will deliver on it’s BL label. <3
Oh I think you misunderstood me love! I wasn’t saying that this story is my ideal BL. I would not consider Codename Anastasia to be slow burn in the slightest. I’m still gonna read this one, but it’s definitely not my preference. The straight porn doesn’t bother me as much as the noncon in later chapters does, but I do truly understand why it would bother others like yourself. Sorry if my original message offended you!
Mmm totally up to you! I will say, we’ve pretty much covered all the straight sex up to this point. I can’t say for sure that there won’t be more bc idk what the artist might change about the novel for their own interpretation of the story… But if they stay loyal to the source material, we should be donezo with the hetero humps lol. You might want to wait for more chapters to come out b4 reading if only because we’re a ways out from zhenya and taekjoo’s first time (and when we get to it, it’s not very romantic - but that doesn’t matter to some ppl which is totally fine. to each their own). The comic chapters aren’t a one to one match for the novel chapters, but to put it in to perspective, we’re still 12 novel chapters away from their first time. If you do still want to keep reading, there will be some fun scenes with a lot of sexual tension and even groping/climaxing that happen sooner. But if you’re really looking forward to penetrative anal sex… It’ll be a while.
Y’all wanting them to fuck so bad, but when they do you gonna be so disappointed…