
wick November 26, 2023 6:21 pm

it’s one of my favourite romances ever (if not my absolute favourite). There’s so much care for the plot and the complexity of professional ballroom dancing, attention to the intensity of competition, and emotional tensions. It feels so much more than a romance as it developed, the characters are multifaceted and actually feel like people - their goals and aspirations come through instead of just being about the relationship, which I like. I wasn’t big on the art at first until it started to really grow on me, I have to appreciate how good the settings/backgrounds are. The characters are so expressive too, and they’re pretty visually unique; I’m a little tired of artstyles that make every character virtually the same. The romantic conflict itself is very interesting as well, I like how their personalities fundamentally oppose each other even though their chemistry is so natural. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of people impatient because it’s a slow-burn, but I feel like if either of them suddenly changed their minds in the chapters just released it would make no sense and be an insult to their characters. I don’t mind waiting if the story is written so carefully and methodically. I have faith in the author and I’m looking forward to the next volume. I’ll probably follow this manga to my deathbed if I have to.
