Actually now that I reread chapters 8-12, everyone overreacting fr lmfao. MC has switched from acting odd to being nice. He was originally upset and didn’t like blonde because the director basically told him that he was a replacement for the blonde. When they first ate together, blonde looked sad to the mc and so mc gave him some food. MC also agreed to the blonde sleeping together in the same room. He gave honey to the blonde and had previously called the blonde his friend. MC just switches between being nice and getting mad when blonde does something he doesn’t like- touching him, smoking, etc.
Now the ML, if you reread he DOES show professionalism. He’s basically normal when interacting with the blonde and tells him everything they do, etc. What y’all are upset about and calling him mean- are the fact that he doesn’t want to be close friends with the blonde. Blonde asked to speak casually, call him hyung, and sit next to him. All those things can cross his personal boundaries. ML rejected those things in a nice way. He likely has experienced such people wanting to get close to him constantly in the acting industry. Possibly for hidden intentions. If y’all realize this, even if they had worked together before- blonde JUST came to the set and wants to be close. Sometimes friendships don’t work that way and you gotta grow close instead of saying you are. The one time ML was particularly mean was when they were talking about friendship and blonde involved mc- ML got jealous and that’s why he’s mad.

The only reason why y’all think they’re mean is simply because blonde likes the ML and wants to be friends with him. If blonde wasn’t interested in the ML, then he would just normally view the two being close. Y’all must be projecting that thing of being left out. They’re working together, there was no rule that they have to all be friends. Y’all also forget about the fact that blonde wanted to use the mc to get close to the ML. The blonde is upset that the ML is closer to the MC, despite barely having anything to be close about.

Naw even if blondie didn't like the ML, the ML is excluding him on a bunch of counts. like whenever they go somehwre like the dog's birth, the blondie was literally not even invited and ends having to tag along. Which is actually not professional, since the ML and MC are only talking to each other and deliberately not talking to blondie. If its a show they should atleast pretend to be harmonious and doing shit together. Even if the blondie wanted to use the MC he was nice to him while the MC kinda just brushes him off. The blondie never wanted to harm/or hurt the MC. He doesn't mind all three of them being friends although his goal is befriending the ML. And even if he didn't like the MC bro still has to do his job of lviing the country life. How is he supposed to do that when no one invites him to shit? On the other hand even if the those two are closer the literally dont want to include the blondie at ALL.
Also we're not upset cuz they aren't friends. It's ok if the three dont have the same level of closeness and its unreasonable to force someone to be friends with others. But basic courtesy shouldn't be like that. And its literally basic courtesy to invite a SINGULAR third party along when doing activities on the show that shows country life.

Can you please reread the chapters I kindly told you about? Cause I don’t think you understand what being professional is lmfao. The ML HAS BEEN PROFESSIONAL, he’s been cooperating. But he doesn’t go out of his way to be BESTIES AND MAKE HIM TAG ALONG TO EVERYTHING. The blonde is a grown man and can go wherever tf he wants. Y’all are demonizing the HELL out of the whole situation and the ML. Overreacting fr. There was an old guy who told the mc about the dog, and the mc just told the ml. Who are they to invite others to watch?? The old man is the one who has the right to invite others. They aren’t the ones in charge and they’re just told it was happening and went on their own. Y’all wanting them to BABY the damn blonde and hold his hand. The only one originally invited was the mc. Whoever tagged along could, but mc wasn’t in charge of who could come. Y’all also gotta realize they’re not filming 24/7 so not everything is part of doing it for the show- the blonde also follows them even when they’re not filming.
And mc “brushes him off” did you read the chapters or my comment? MC switches between being nice at times to him and not being nice when the blonde does things he doesn’t like. You’re thinking the two are like “hey let’s exclude this guy!!!” But they’re both just having fun and doing what they want. Y’all only acting like this cause you got the blonde’s POV. If y’all didn’t and only saw the mc’s POV, y’all would be sus of the blonde. “Even if the blonde wanted to use the mc-“ and then proceeds to give an excuse lmfao. Either way they’re all good now. There’s no point in complaining anymore.

Also you made the excuse of “even if the blonde wanted to use the mc he was nice to him.” You mean fake nice? Acting nice to keep up appearances? You like when he acts fake as hell to use someone to get close to another person? I don’t know about you, but if someone doesn’t like me, I’d rather they act like that straight up instead of pretend to be nice. Maybe that how you go about your relationships with others but that’s not cool to me. Fake ass niceness is bullshit. Regardless they both admitted they hated each other. So idk what nonsense you’re talking about in defense of whatever feelings the blonde may have. They’re all grown adult men. Why are expecting adult men to baby and act like little kids having to give a whole invite to tag along? No one said anything about him not being able to go. They also all agreed to share a room together. I genuinely believe you’re just wanting to focus on the “bad” things despite all the normal and good things the two did. If you hate and demonize the mc and ml so much, why are you torturing yourself by continuing to read it?
Starts of cute but like they're so rude to blondie... Like bros jsut tryna do his job. Some amount of professionalism and basic decency is required smh. The exclusion is just not it.
Expected atelast better from the ML who is an actual actor unlike MC. MC started out cute but now he's sorta irritating with how he treats blondie