Oyaka is so sus

SoTired November 26, 2023 5:29 am

Does Oyaka has sadistic obsession with Nagare? Why did he said "I let him win and escape" when Nagare die. He also looks sad and regret that he can't see Nagare anymore. The happiest face Oyaka ever made is when Nagare cry in despair before jumping. The way he looks happy at Negare in Shikimi's flashback. (Everyone in the bully team look at Negare with hatred except Oyaka). Normally Oyaka looks at everyone with bored and disdain.

I definitely think he is psychopatic sadist and just like how Nagare never submit to him. Like in his brain, it is a competition to make him submit to him. Everyone around him worship him. He is best student, good looking, smart, charismatic and from prestigious family. So to see Nagare not worship or submit to him make him obsessive. I guess Negare win in his brain meaning he can't get Negare to submit to him to the very end.

I don't think he is in love with Nagare but definitely see him as his favorite experiment hobby.

I can say he definitely got that toxic bl vibe tho. That famous for some reason that I cant comprehend.

    Saccharine November 30, 2023 7:09 pm

    I was getting that kind of vibe too. I thought am I overthinking this lol but yeah he definitely isn't in any way in love with Negare but is obsessed with him because of his difient nature and he wants to break his determined eyes. He is only overtly interested in him because unlike all other people nagare doesn't grovel underneath his feet . It's so fucked up

    Boba bubbles December 5, 2023 6:15 am
    I was getting that kind of vibe too. I thought am I overthinking this lol but yeah he definitely isn't in any way in love with Negare but is obsessed with him because of his difient nature and he wants to break... Saccharine

    Fr I saw a tweet where it said I ship them & I felt real disgusted

    Saccharine December 5, 2023 12:08 pm
    Fr I saw a tweet where it said I ship them & I felt real disgusted Boba bubbles

    People ship them?? What the hell

    SoTired December 5, 2023 1:10 pm
    People ship them?? What the hell Saccharine

    Reading too much toxic bl make them think abuse is romantic XD. Tbh, Oyaka see Nagare at best, animal at worst, experiment