We Were Actually Getting Somewhere Until...

CandyCone21 November 25, 2023 2:45 pm

Man, the older brother pissed me off. The guy was baring his feelings and trying to address the issues, but the uke got a potential bootie call and bailed on him. Even said the talk was unimportant.
He is so immature and unreasonable. Not justify the younger brother's actions, but he needs hypnosis to become a better person by listening and talking about his feelings, not just starting a fight every time something pisses him off.
We were close to a breakthrough and actually understanding the root of the issue.

    Rui November 25, 2023 3:18 pm

    So true. I thought the little brother was just purely a psycho (kinda true) but the older brother had his own issues and inferiority complex too

    CandyCone21 November 25, 2023 4:14 pm
    So true. I thought the little brother was just purely a psycho (kinda true) but the older brother had his own issues and inferiority complex too Rui

    Yeah, the little brother's resentment is justified. (Not an excuse for all the r*pe!) I understand wanting to get some payback by being a jerk. Idk why the older brother's such an asshole. Everything I see so far is him being jealous that the younger bro is hot, smart, and popular. Which is a lame and immature reason to be an asshole to someone.

    punpun November 25, 2023 6:18 pm
    Yeah, the little brother's resentment is justified. (Not an excuse for all the r*pe!) I understand wanting to get some payback by being a jerk. Idk why the older brother's such an asshole. Everything I see so f... CandyCone21

    i feel differently. the older brother clearly has an inferiority complex. childish? very much so, however it did stem from when they were literally children.

    i do agree that the older brother has been unnecessarily an asshole in many situations, however i feel like it is also understandable to some degree. as i said, he has a clear inferiority complex and simply wants nothing to do with his younger brother. i feel like that should be respected, no? in the beginning his resentment towards his younger brother was completely unwarranted, but you know it is what it is. you aren’t going to have a good relationship with everyone in your life, and that’s ok! that should be the end of, just leave each other be if you don’t get along.

    i just feel like you (and also a lot of the other commenters) are forgetting that the younger brother KNOWS what he’s doing. he knows that his older brother does not like him and just wants to be left alone. i suggest revisiting chapter 18. all throughout his adolescent school years, wooyeon has been alone and doesn’t make any friends, which we can assume it is due to bad relationship with his brother. however when he finally does make a friend, we see woojin looking at them with a strange look. it’s clear that he didn’t like it, and in the next scene wooyeon is pushing him
    and telling him to piss off. we don’t see the conversation leading up to this particular scene, but i implore you to think about why you think woojin decided to approach wooyeon after seeing him make a friend. especially, why did he approach him in public rather than at home? throughout the manhwa, we can tell that wooyeon is hot-tempered and is quick to react. woojin clearly KNOWS this, which is why he provokes wooyeon, trying to get a reaction. and he gets the reaction he wants. wooyeon blows up in front of everyone at school and gets painted as a jerk. then people trash his things and he blows up once again, this time where his newly found friend would see. this leads to wooyeon being isolated once again. + i feel like the little toy woojin gave to wooyeon instead of the hand cream is a crucial detail, reminding him of what happened the last time he made a friend.

    sorry for the super long reply, i just feel so passionately about this because i feel like this is manipulation 101!! and i’ve just been seeing so many comments angry at the older brother for not wanting to communicate with his younger brother. i DO agree that communication would fix a lot of their issues. however, i have to ask, would you want to sit down and try to talk to someone who you know has been manipulating you and everyone around you, to completely isolate and make you miserable for years on end? i don’t think i would. and i believe we can say wooyeon knows of this social manipulation as he says in the latest chapter that the sunbae “is different” and “didn’t fall for woojin’s lies”.

    TLDR; my point is, woojin is a textbook manipulator. i don’t understand why people are angry at wooyeon for not wanting to communicate with his abuser.

    CandyCone21 November 25, 2023 10:03 pm
    i feel differently. the older brother clearly has an inferiority complex. childish? very much so, however it did stem from when they were literally children.i do agree that the older brother has been unnecessar... punpun

    Well, yeah, it's obvious he's a manipulator. He's hypnotizing his brother to f**k him. He's no saint. Honestly, there are no good guys in this story. Plus, it's obvious he's always had a crush on him. That's why he doesn't like him with other dudes, especially assholes like the guy in your example from their childhood.

    I think a lot of ppl have the mindset that you need to get along with family. You have to have their back, and they need to have your back. Otherwise, it's betrayal. I think just leaving him alone is kinda difficult considering they live in the same house. Of course, step siblings are a little different, but a lot of children without siblings like the idea of having a sibling once their parents get married. I'm sure he was crushed to find out his new sibling hated his guts. Of course, being petty, he took his revenge the best way he knew how. Making the guy make himself the asshole.

    Personally, yes, I would talk to people when I have ongoing beef with them. But then again, that's my personality, and I don't handle anger/conflict very well. Plus, I'm mature enough to know the person that blows up is the one that looks the worst to onlookers. I even check in with people to make sure everything is good work us. I've settled conflicts to the point that I've become friends with past enemies. I've learned that if a person doesn't want to squash it something is wrong with that person to refuse to let go of that anger.

    BTW if I haven't made this clear enough, I think both brothers are assholes. Especially the younger brother because there's no excuse for what he's doing.

    punpun November 26, 2023 2:12 am
    Well, yeah, it's obvious he's a manipulator. He's hypnotizing his brother to f**k him. He's no saint. Honestly, there are no good guys in this story. Plus, it's obvious he's always had a crush on him. That's wh... CandyCone21

    it really isn’t that hard to leave each other be despite living in the same house. i say this from personal experience!

    being “mature enough” does not have much to do with blowing up. the thing about manipulation is that your level of maturity does not matter. a good manipulator will figure out what makes you tick and act on it. it’s all psychology! but besides this, from your third paragraph on, i think you are misunderstanding the situation. being able to have a conversation with someone you have beef with is not equivalent with wanting to have a conversation with your abuser .. resolving petty conflicts is not the same. i think you are unintentionally making this equivalence and coming to that conclusion comes across a bit ignorant. i don’t know if we will have the same understanding of this topic, but i can see that you believe both characters are bad, i agree! so i’m just going to leave this conversation at that! c:

    CandyCone21 November 26, 2023 5:35 am
    it really isn’t that hard to leave each other be despite living in the same house. i say this from personal experience!being “mature enough” does not have much to do with blowing up. the thing about manip... punpun

    Well, regarding family, I think it depends on the environment/culture/personalities. Your family or environment may not emphasize being together and spending time with each other. My household we had to spend time with each other, and from that, everyone had a close bond.

    Maturity is an aspect of blowing up. As you get older, you are supposed to be in more control of your emotions. The older brother has shown zero signs of being able to resist the urge of having a tantrum. If you think yelling at someone or throwing punches immediately after someone did something you didn't like is okay. That's immature. That's shouldn't be your initial response. Plus, he knows how his brother manipulates him, and he falls for it each time. You can get away with it as a kid, but the dude is an adult, and he still blows up after every little thing. Use another strategy to react because you're playing in his hand. No one makes you do anything. You are in control of your own actions. (Minus the brainwashing parts lol)

    I know that the younger brother is abusive from the audience point of view, but I'm struggling to see the older brother's perspective of him being abusive. The main issue for that is that the story has not developed enough to show us his perspective of their past. He very immaturely ignored the opportunity to lay everything out on the table to say this is why I hate you when his crush called and brushed his brother off. But you know the power of boners is strong. Therefore, I don't know how abusive he was and in what way. That's why I brought up having a conversation with someone you have beef with because we don't know how this started. Wars have started over small issues. All I know is that the older brother claims that he's manipulative. I need more information because I don't trust his perspective of things. He might be misunderstanding something.

    Also, ease up on the comment section on voicing their anger towards the older brother. They are reacting from the events of the latest chapter. No one is likeable. Next week, there will be more comments about how abusive and evil the younger brother is. In this story I'm not rooting for anyone. I'm just a spectator.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA November 29, 2023 10:35 am
    i feel differently. the older brother clearly has an inferiority complex. childish? very much so, however it did stem from when they were literally children.i do agree that the older brother has been unnecessar... punpun

    i agreed with you about why wooyeon didn't want to talk to woojin and some people that bLamed wooyeon in the comments section didn't think from wooyeon point of view .woojin is psycho bastard .he isolated his hyung with his friends .he want to monopolized his hyung

    punpun November 29, 2023 3:44 pm
    Well, regarding family, I think it depends on the environment/culture/personalities. Your family or environment may not emphasize being together and spending time with each other. My household we had to spend t... CandyCone21

    read the first sentence of your second paragraph and i already knew you were simply unable to comprehend anything i’ve spent the time to type out lol. it comes off ignorant and that you clearly have no understanding of abuse,, manipulation, or even the basics of psychology. also i never condoned the older brother physically assaulting the younger brother during his blow-ups. not once. i only said that he reacted given the manipulation. read to understand! this is will be my final reply. we will not see eye to eye, i have accepted it xD