Thank you!!

khun November 25, 2023 10:36 am

can anyone give me a rundown of the whole examiner a and who they really are again, it's been so long since the last update i forgot everything TT

    han:/ November 25, 2023 11:54 am

    spoilers!!! examiner A is you huo(the mc) but 3 years ago system erase his memories and also qin jiu's (the ml) after system found out they are destorying the system now this is them meeting again and fall in love for the THIRD TIME (if you want to know more ask me:3!!)

    Bear November 25, 2023 11:56 am

    I will try excluding spoilers as much as I can and simplify stuff.

    Examiner A was the 'boss' of all the other examiners when this whole examination thingy first started. That was You Huo in the past but stuff happened and now he doesn't remember anything about it. The blonde female examiner (I forgot her number), wanted to work under Examiner A. Examiners from that time think that Qin Jiu and Examiner A had a shitty relation with each other. Now both Qin Jiu and You Huo don't remember much from their past so all the info they can get at the moment is based on what the others saw / thought (little do they know.. wink wonk)

    Do tell if you have more questions, that was basically the 'TLDR' for all the info lol.

    khun November 25, 2023 12:12 pm
    spoilers!!! examiner A is you huo(the mc) but 3 years ago system erase his memories and also qin jiu's (the ml) after system found out they are destorying the system now this is them meeting again and fall in l... han:/

    ahh tyy!! i wont ask for too many spoilers maybe ill try reading the novel :))

    khun November 25, 2023 12:13 pm
    I will try excluding spoilers as much as I can and simplify stuff.Examiner A was the 'boss' of all the other examiners when this whole examination thingy first started. That was You Huo in the past but stuff ha... Bear

    tysm! i think i remember now, qin jiu used to be the best examinee sort of like how you huo is right now?

    Bear November 25, 2023 12:23 pm
    tysm! i think i remember now, qin jiu used to be the best examinee sort of like how you huo is right now? khun


    Something Useless December 1, 2023 5:29 pm

    It long story but it like this.....the system are living inside uke eyes, it was learning about world from uke eyes...uke parents that part of the system creators put the system there because the system need to accumulate knowledge from world n surrounding... So everything uke see are being seen by system too, from when he was kid, whenever he ask his mother something, his mom sometimes wonder if that was really her child asking or the system asking.... The older he got, His mom become more afraid of him because she doesn't whether it her son or it her system that occupying that body.... And that why the uke look so un feelings... He aware of the system existence inside his eyes, he fall in love but he cant look at the guy he love, he cant even give a glimpse, that why that's punishment room exists, if I'm not mistaken, uke the one put the idea of punishment room to be made as reflected what person most scared of... Because he doesn't afraid if anything and every time they inside the room the system can't see anything, so it doesn't like to go inside that room, uke since he doesn't scare of anything... He can let loose with seme inside that fact they action got suspicious by system before, so they both got memories clean up TWICE ... That just how they kept falling for each other...and now is the third time they encounter and falling again for each other but this time, they already been prepare, because the second time the was there, they dropped all kind of hint for themselves, in case they forgetting something...this third time, they'll success and back to real world...