Going on a rant for a bit...

MadReader November 30, 2023 12:33 am

I give up on his character "development". Just when I thought he was taking one step towards being an adult. He took 3 steps backwards by reverting back to his manipulative ways. I can't honestly understand how fucking someone without consent AND out of anger is supposed to make anyone feel better. Even if he was feeling hurt because he insisted on talking it out but the hyung was still being an asshole, the most mature approach would have been to give the guy some space and let him cool off his emotions and then TRY talking it out again... AT A LATER TIME. I'm just gonna say something that some people might lash out at me for, but this series is definitely a reflection of the author's emotional intelligence. And it's not a good one. Both MCs suck, childish, and angry out of nowwhere for no real reason. I'm sorry, but the little flashbacks about the rapist idolizing his older brother who turned out to be an asshole to him, so he decided to take "revenge" by raping him under hypnosis, and the hyung who is overly jaleous of his younger brother who idolized him because he got a little bit of praise from is parents, is not doing it for me...shit even I'm confusing myself repeating this "plot" out loud. That's how confusing this whole thing is. It has no substance and I can't sympathize with either MC. Neither of their backstories, nor their personalities are relatable on any level. At the end of every chapter I always find myself saying "what? Or why?". This whole thing is a brain rotter. Not even the smut is enjoyable. It's tasteless and boring. Honestly, I'm just here to see the final outcome.
Anyways, just ranting. Not expecting people to agree or disagree. OR expecting any improvements on this series, just exercising my right of free speech.
