just a question for a/b/o

silly misa November 24, 2023 11:51 pm

Would a dominant omega be able to induce a heat cycle into a regular alpha or is it just alphas able to do that?? it was a shower question that came up

    CherryTree November 25, 2023 1:54 am

    I believe the authors make their own rules when they feel llke it (??) In '' December '' the recessive omega induces the first heat of a recessive alpha who then becomes an '' awakened alpha '' and a super alpha. (That was new in my book ! I found that refreshing)

    chansondeguerre November 25, 2023 3:34 am

    A/B/O is basically creators choice in how they want dynamics and worldbuilding to go, I think it's why people like the genre/idea so much. I'm sure it's possible, I've at least read it in fanfic before.