Was gonna rate this

Huh November 24, 2023 12:02 pm

Was gonna rate this 1 star, but I hate how it tells me they uploaded, and tbh I see no chemistry between anyone in one piece ships and honestly I can’t see how people even mange to ship anyone in one piece, but if it’s your opinion then keep with your tastes

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 11:15 am

    You're blind. Sanji & Zoro have insane chemistry in op

    Huh November 25, 2023 1:04 pm
    You're blind. Sanji & Zoro have insane chemistry in op Sukuna

    Your delusional because they fight ever second

    Huh November 25, 2023 1:05 pm

    And I said what I said, One piece ships sucks ass

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 9:21 pm
    Your delusional because they fight ever second Huh

    That's called enemies to lovers. Rivals in the streets lovers in the sheets bitch.

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 9:23 pm
    And I said what I said, One piece ships sucks ass Huh

    Sanji always cares for Zoro same goes for zero to sanji. Sanji wanted Zoro to kill him for Zoro to say he will kill him & nobody else could touch sanji. Translation " You're mine and nobody else has the honor to protect you"

    Huh November 25, 2023 10:20 pm
    That's called enemies to lovers. Rivals in the streets lovers in the sheets bitch. Sukuna

    How about you listen up bitch? They are companions, not once had the focus been on love, in fact how about you watch the anime normally before shipping everyone you see in the anime

    Huh November 25, 2023 10:24 pm
    Sanji always cares for Zoro same goes for zero to sanji. Sanji wanted Zoro to kill him for Zoro to say he will kill him & nobody else could touch sanji. Translation " You're mine and nobody else has the hon... Sukuna

    Of course they would care for each other, are you dumb? Oh so if Zoro say that to Luffy would that mean they like each other? No, so stop being fucking delusional, and when did he ever say that huh? Give me some proof bro, and even if he does say that it doesn’t mean it’s romantic, your the type of person that would’ve ignored this shit if it was between a girl and a guy just because you want everything to be fucking gay, I’m fine with gay people but people like you ruin everything, you lose temper too much, make up shit so everything goes your way, how about you shut up and stop being a fucking delusional bitch

    Huh November 25, 2023 10:29 pm
    That's called enemies to lovers. Rivals in the streets lovers in the sheets bitch. Sukuna

    Oh yeah I forgot smt

    Huh November 25, 2023 10:29 pm
    Oh yeah I forgot smt Huh

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 11:04 pm
    Of course they would care for each other, are you dumb? Oh so if Zoro say that to Luffy would that mean they like each other? No, so stop being fucking delusional, and when did he ever say that huh? Give me som... Huh

    What a pathetic way of talking, you have such crude mouth. If you want zoro & sanji to be enemies or friends you can think like that. I'll see them through the lens of lovers. You're one to talk! Delusional my foot! All those who are watching anime are Delusional and I'll ship sanji & zoro even if your unkind, lonely & suffering self tells ms I'm Delusional I'll think of them as lovers because you know what. If you can ship straight people who don't have any chemistry i can also ship same sex people who you think don't have chemistry. You're just like all those people who hate on Queer communities. Deep inside you hate gay, lesbian, trans people because you told me to stop making everything about gay people. Really?? This whole world revolved around & shunned queer community and now we got a little bit of freedom & limelight, we choose to ship a non existent character with each other, that made you piss off! Just admit it and don't pretend you like gay people just because today's society supports us. You will face your karma soon

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 11:07 pm
    How about you listen up bitch? They are companions, not once had the focus been on love, in fact how about you watch the anime normally before shipping everyone you see in the anime Huh

    You have no right to tell me how to watch anime. You do you. You do what you like and you may have the right to make decisions that you like however you have right to command over me. Bless you brother for I'm not someone who will engage with such pathetic behavior.

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 11:09 pm
    You have no right to tell me how to watch anime. You do you. You do what you like and you may have the right to make decisions that you like however you have right to command over me. Bless you brother for I'm ... Sukuna

    No right **

    Huh November 25, 2023 11:17 pm
    What a pathetic way of talking, you have such crude mouth. If you want zoro & sanji to be enemies or friends you can think like that. I'll see them through the lens of lovers. You're one to talk! Delusiona... Sukuna

    LOL yk I could barely care the fuck what people off the internet or website has to say and why would I pretend to like gay people? If I say I hate them then I hate them, idc what you think man, ‘you will face your karma soon’ maybe I would’ve token this a bit more serious if you didn’t say that, that shit sounds hella weird

    Huh November 25, 2023 11:19 pm
    You have no right to tell me how to watch anime. You do you. You do what you like and you may have the right to make decisions that you like however you have right to command over me. Bless you brother for I'm ... Sukuna

    Loll even your spelling agrees with me, and it’s seems your the one who causes ‘such pathetic behavior’ maybe not say anything, just be like others and dislike if you don’t want to engage such pathetic behavior

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 11:21 pm
    Loll even your spelling agrees with me, and it’s seems your the one who causes ‘such pathetic behavior’ maybe not say anything, just be like others and dislike if you don’t want to engage such pathetic ... Huh

    You're a closeted gay fgdfcgg it's okay. We've all been there. *hugs* saw your reading list buhahahaha. You got good taste but izzok I forgive you for your impudent behavior

    Huh November 25, 2023 11:24 pm
    What a pathetic way of talking, you have such crude mouth. If you want zoro & sanji to be enemies or friends you can think like that. I'll see them through the lens of lovers. You're one to talk! Delusiona... Sukuna

    And do shorten this. I could barely care reading all that bc I have other things to do out of this and I’m having real fun

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 11:27 pm
    And do shorten this. I could barely care reading all that bc I have other things to do out of this and I’m having real fun Huh

    We're totally like Sanji & Zoro. XD omg you're having fun?? It's my pleasure. What's your pronoun??

    Huh November 25, 2023 11:32 pm
    We're totally like Sanji & Zoro. XD omg you're having fun?? It's my pleasure. What's your pronoun?? Sukuna

    LOL Broo the switch is crazy, idk if I should go along or whatever

    Sukuna November 25, 2023 11:34 pm
    LOL Broo the switch is crazy, idk if I should go along or whatever Huh

    It's Sis for your information. I'm actually a cis female. A fujoishie tbh XD and I love to ship sanji & zoro. If you allow me I'll pull you into the abyss called Zosan

    Huh November 25, 2023 11:38 pm
    It's Sis for your information. I'm actually a cis female. A fujoishie tbh XD and I love to ship sanji & zoro. If you allow me I'll pull you into the abyss called Zosan Sukuna

    Alright? I’d like to see how you can make me like the ship Zosan cause that’s gonna be real hard