I totally agree with you on your statement about love obsession plots in stories, especially BL/yaoi. However I do feel that this one did a decent job of kinda subverting that dynamic. Yes Chiwoo still loved Hwan, even though he did all that bad stuff, but he liked him and relied on him for 20 years. That doesn’t go away over night but he knew the love was wrong and that is why he wanted to break their toxic relationship even if it meant him dying (I think it’s normal he didn’t want the one he loved and obviously suffering from mental disorderss to keep suffering). But I liked that in the end he ended up living the happy/toxic-free life he was suppose to live and Hwan was forced to deal with his issues without him and in that realized how messed up he was and that he needed to grow/not obsess over Chiwoo, which he could only do if he remembered the past, instead of him forgetting and getting off Scott-free. Technically at the end they aren’t together just friends with sexual tension/romantic interest. Wish Hwan could of had more struggles in his growing/it showing it but I was pleasantly surprised that the end wasn’t all forgiven for the bad partner and they get what they want without any real consequences.
from being a long time reader of yaoi, i know that love is everything in this genre to the point that the psycho, obsessive leads are even heartily accepted by the main characters in the end ("my love is a murderer? doesn't matter, at least he loves me" kinda mindset) and clearly, the same logic applies here. but *personally*, i just feel a tiny bit sad bc this manga could have subverted that. everyone knows that in real life, too much love and obsession doesn't bode well especially for the person on the receiving end, and that could have been the end message for this one. i feel like maybe there was a tiny buildup to it, that one time when chiwoo kept insisting that he had to home bc jin cooked, and that could have been sustained. especially with jin willing to step aside because chiwoo loves hwan. like, i know yaoi mangas/manhwas/webtoons are usually meant to be taken as unserious and guilty pleasures, but idk... this just could have been more.