Oh thank you, I'm honestly a bit shocked so many agree with me, the recent comments suggested otherwise, that's why I wrote mine but I'm glad I did :)
I think a character doesn't need to be flawless to be liked, Kwon definitely could've been better to Yeon-oh and his indecisiveness in recent chapters has been a bit infuriating haha but I still love their dynamic and overall story so much! I just fell in love with both, they don't need to be perfect as long as both can be happy in the end!

I’ve been thinking, and not that it justifies some of his shittier actions, but he’s rich, his thought process is different from most people.
So some of the things he’s done that have been questionable also come from that “I’m rich” place.
I think chapter 74 enforces my theory that he grew up a certain way, and that shaped his personality.

That, and again, not justifying, only making a point, but his treating Yeon-oh like an object sometimes, I think comes from the fact that (I’m not rich and I’ve never really been around Uber rich people, so I could be wrong and stereotyping), even if his mom was down to earth, ultimately, he grew up probably thinking that money could get you anything. So when he made the deal with Yeon-oh and Yeon-oh agreed, I don’t think he was thinking much about Yeon-oh’s humanity. So I don’t think he’s a jerk by nature, but more by nurture.

"Not a jerk by nature but by nurture" This sentence is perfect! I like that you also acknowledge that it doesn't justify his actions but could explain them and I agree.
That's probably also why many people growing up poor go insane after winning the lottery, imagine growing up rich, loosing touch with reality and consequently humanity. I don't know anyone rich either but their perspective on what's a lot of money and ours is vastly different, like the money he brought to free Yeon-oh, he could've taken it back after beating up that loan shark but he didn't, it was spare change for him.
One part I slightly disagree is the initial thought he had about Yeon-oh while making the deal, at first he didn't give a damn but I think seeing him suffer as he brought him to the hospital after he collapsed in front of his car, has made him contemplate his decision whether he should suffer along with his dad or if he was a victim just like him. That's how he went into the deal.
It didn't change most of his actions, he was just as cold most of the time but I want to believe he thought about his humanity just a slight bit and now even more so. Did you see the new chapter? That was huge development for him, Kwon was honest for the first time ever. I like this direction and hope we see more!

Lol, no worries, it’s fun when people engage (as long as everything is kept cordial). True, he did show concern back when he re-encountered Yeon-oh when he was in high school, but I think by he time he proposed to sponsor him, he wasn’t thinking about the kid he knew back in the day. Honestly, all the shitty things he’s done to Yeon-oh haven’t even been done consciously. He just realized last chapter after watching the video of his assault just how shitty he’s been to him as well.
And yup, I did see the latest chapter. I hope he’s finally able to vocalize his feelings. He’s been so emotionally numbed for so long, that he’s not allowing himself to feel what he’s feeling.
I'm apparently the only person here who likes Kwon, I don't condone all of his actions but he's so handsome and sophisticated. Sure he needs to suffer in the current Chase arc but I just love both, Yeon-oh and Kwon. I just love this manhwa so much!