I kind of want to go through it again and write down everything.
But basically, he doesn't do well in social situations, constant misunderstanding and miscommunication, I think morinaga or someone actually said in a recent chapter that he thinks differently to other people about that stuff. He also has always found it hard to make friends/didn't want friends, to the point it worried his family.
He doesn't seem to care that much about anything other than his research work (special interest?) Other than his family (and mori) of course.
he seems to have a bit of trouble with change, I could absolutely be wrong about this though as the times I'm thinking about there are definitely other circumstances, like when mori asked him to come over tonight and he said no and to ask next week, and the transition from researcher post doc to prof, and the whole relationship with mori changing (but of course like i said there are other reasons).
He has an aversion to touch, especially around his head, and doesnt like being clung onto, but of course we know he has some other reasons to avoid touch
I can't think of much more off the top of my head
But for asexuality,
Aversion to touch comes in here again, the general awkwardness around the subject of sex, not just gay sex, when he heard the straight couple in Canada through the wall, even though he ended up wackin it he was awkward about it.
Now, the subject of wackin it, while libido isn't exactly a factor for asexuality, it can be for some, and from the scenes we get of solo souichi, from what is said it sounds like he doesn't do it often at all, at least to me.
He doesn't seem to have any kind of interest in dating before the situationship with mori, even when it starts there's no dialogue or inner monologue of any worries about dating other people or anything like that, and given his personality I really find it hard to imagine he has dated anyone at all before this.
Conclusion: I think he is demisexual and demiromantic

Haha yeah I can see all that, something to add is that the bar guy (I'm bad at remembering names forgive me) said something about souichi being unbalanced and that he doesn't understand social cues as much while still being a genius, which is well, you can see why I pointed that out. And yeah, I completely agree as well
I've thought this for a long time, but I think Souichi is Autistic. There are many reasons for me thinking this, I can explain further if anyone wants.
I also feel he is on the asexual spectrum. To me this is obvious