Hear me out

shiishios November 23, 2023 1:27 am

No sane person would like this pos trash. Yes, we all agree.

BUT Kim Dan has been through it. He has been negged and treated like shit for literally ever. Abused, bullied, neglected, lonely, assaulted, dirt poor, no good job. And the only person who he knows is in the hospital dying. NOTHING was good about his life. It makes sense that Dan would mistake this as falling in love with the slightest decent nice gesture done towards him, by someone who he's been very vulnerable and intimate with.

I'm not saying this is the author's intent, but I hope that's the route they take. POS will get a redemption arc BUT, I hope that Dan realizes he wasn't in love in the first place, he is just experiencing some kind of stockholm syndrome or attachment disorder. Anyways I'm not sure how long this manhwa will be, but I hope it's long enough that Kim Dan goes through some character development.

Having seen how our dong-gyun grew as a character to respect himself and cut-off Jiwon until Jiwon proved he was worthy...I am holding out hope

Jiwon was shitty but gd jaekyung is on another level.

    Justhuman November 23, 2023 1:35 am

    Interesting take, I hope you are right about Kim Dan development! (/TДT)/