Pedos are people that are sexually attracted to child’s, Tae was never attracted to Hyo this way, and now the dragon is a full grown ass man, so Tae can never be a pedo, even if he eventually falls for Hyo, because he no longer has the looks of a child. Nevertheless, this “raising my future boyfriend” thing is all very strange.

Jesus christ.
I am sorry my opinion fucked you the wrong way, but jesus chill out.
What i meant; its that just weird to date a guy who you knew since he was a child and you LITERALLY raised.
I dont believe tae was ever a pedo in that time period bcuz he srsly doesn't like hyo-un that way.
But i still will find it kind of pedo-ish to date him after he raised him as his child.
If hyo-un suddenly transformed from 5 y/o to 30 i would find it less weird becuz THEN it would seem like a magical thing.
In my head this seems as if his son-lover just bulked up to be able to be the top.
Its okay if you dont agree with me its just a randome opinion i just shared on this illegal sight; no need to take it this personal <3
Tae isnt really a pedophile bcuz he srsly doesn't like hyo-un romantically at all.
I just think the author themselves are the pedo for taking this unnecessary route to making it "raising the future boyfriend up"
Tae is solid so far; tho i am pretty sure they are going to fuck so he will eventually become a pedo? Idk. He probably will