Wow for once, the seme didn’t do anything wrong and it’s the uke’s own insecurities ...

LeatherKitten November 21, 2023 7:20 am

Wow for once, the seme didn’t do anything wrong and it’s the uke’s own insecurities and indecisiveness that kept souring things. He’s really got to work on his own self esteem if this relationship is going to last. Other than the obvious, there’s not a lot of depth here. The art is very pretty, but it definitely feels like it might be the author’s first time writing a BL.

    Heu77 November 21, 2023 4:38 pm

    For real. * spoiler mentioned*
    MC just saw ML with a girl and assumed they’re dating and left, god the communication sucks. ML was trying and he also initiated a lot of the communication, then accepted the break up for MC.

    vanillafries November 30, 2023 9:37 pm

    Maybe because you're not gay and you don't get it, but these are REALISTIC fears and emotions gay people go through especially if it's one of their first time dating someone who could also like the opposite sex. Not to mention top it off with a long unrequited love for them and a misunderstanding.

    LeatherKitten November 30, 2023 11:32 pm
    Maybe because you're not gay and you don't get it, but these are REALISTIC fears and emotions gay people go through especially if it's one of their first time dating someone who could also like the opposite sex... vanillafries

    Whoa, whoa, whoaaa, lot of assumptions there. Do you know me? Wild to assume I’m straight based off of a random comment. Anyhoo, liking the same gender does come with its own fears and hesitations, that’s true, but it doesn’t negate the fact that he let his insecurity and distrust eat him up. This can happen to anyone regardless of sexuality, and it’s definitely something that can only be resolved through healthy communication, and developing self confidence. Seme isn’t in the wrong for innocently talking to a woman. As uke gets older and continues in this relationship, he will need to learn trust, and the ability to discuss fears with his partner before jumping to random conclusions or panicking. This is true of gay/queer/ relationships as well as straight ones.

    Heu77 November 30, 2023 11:44 pm
    Whoa, whoa, whoaaa, lot of assumptions there. Do you know me? Wild to assume I’m straight based off of a random comment. Anyhoo, liking the same gender does come with its own fears and hesitations, that’s t... LeatherKitten

    Preach. Sexuality has nothing to do with this lmao. I’m part of LGBTQ+ myself but I also am aware MC needs to learn one day to communicate before entering a relationship. Just because your experience with straight people is bad doesn’t mean it would be the same, not until they communicate. ML is not a mind reader or a perfect human being, nor is MC.

    vanillafries December 1, 2023 12:34 am
    Preach. Sexuality has nothing to do with this lmao. I’m part of LGBTQ+ myself but I also am aware MC needs to learn one day to communicate before entering a relationship. Just because your experience with str... Heu77

    Exactly so why are people dog piling on the MC?? There's no right and wrong in this situation, relationships are so much more complicated than black and white. It's not the ML fault for being born with his own sexuality and there's nothing wrong with the insecurities that the MC is facing so why are we dog piling on him??

    I hate BL readers for this very reason because you always only like to critique on the more "feminine" or "gay" guy in these mangas. You guys seriously disgust me

    vanillafries December 1, 2023 12:35 am
    Whoa, whoa, whoaaa, lot of assumptions there. Do you know me? Wild to assume I’m straight based off of a random comment. Anyhoo, liking the same gender does come with its own fears and hesitations, that’s t... LeatherKitten

    Did I ever say he was wrong? I did not, but it's not right to shit on the MC for having reasonable fears especially with his long history with the ML. Everyone's acting like he's biphobic when he never once shamed the ML for his sexuality but rather internalized a lot of his insecurities which does happen a lot of times and that's nothing to shit someone on but rather to help

    Heu77 December 1, 2023 12:47 am
    Exactly so why are people dog piling on the MC?? There's no right and wrong in this situation, relationships are so much more complicated than black and white. It's not the ML fault for being born with his own ... vanillafries

    How do you even know it’s because MC is feminine or “gay”? That’s not even the reason, ML also looks quite feminine. We critique the lack of ability to communicate and that’s what MC needs to work on, I do understand he’s afraid but he’ll need to overcome that soon enough for their relationship.

    Heu77 December 1, 2023 12:48 am
    Did I ever say he was wrong? I did not, but it's not right to shit on the MC for having reasonable fears especially with his long history with the ML. Everyone's acting like he's biphobic when he never once sha... vanillafries

    Okay I think I kinda misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying MC is not at fault at all, I didn’t agree with that. But I agree now that MC being shifted on for his fears isn’t right, I just am annoyed by his lack of communication and internalizing it. But that’s not something he can just change, it’s not gonna happen overnight. ML also should’ve inquired more when MC asked to break up, he felt a little cold, but eh.

    Heu77 December 1, 2023 12:48 am
    Did I ever say he was wrong? I did not, but it's not right to shit on the MC for having reasonable fears especially with his long history with the ML. Everyone's acting like he's biphobic when he never once sha... vanillafries

    shitted on* not shifted bruh

    vanillafries December 1, 2023 1:10 am
    Okay I think I kinda misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying MC is not at fault at all, I didn’t agree with that. But I agree now that MC being shifted on for his fears isn’t right, I just am... Heu77

    Thanks you get my point, it's a nuanced conversation especially regarding a relationship like theirs with many layers. Both people have their own communication problems and internalized problems due to the misunderstanding they had when they were younger. There's nobody who's right or wrong in this.

    vanillafries December 1, 2023 1:11 am
    How do you even know it’s because MC is feminine or “gay”? That’s not even the reason, ML also looks quite feminine. We critique the lack of ability to communicate and that’s what MC needs to work on,... Heu77

    I was looking in general in comments, I've been an avid BL readers for many years now and I've always seen the same pattern on critiquing/shaming on the "bottom" in the relationship. It always feels like some form or internalized misogyny by some of the commentors. That's why I've just gotten sick and tired of it now because everyone always lack nuances when discussing the relationships that happen in BLs

    Heu77 December 1, 2023 1:15 am
    I was looking in general in comments, I've been an avid BL readers for many years now and I've always seen the same pattern on critiquing/shaming on the "bottom" in the relationship. It always feels like some f... vanillafries

    Oh yeah I’ve seen that too. It’s quite common unfortunately and it’s also nasty how they fetishize these types of stories just cause they’re men and part of LGBTQ+. I have read stories more where they hate on the MLs than seeing everyone bashing MC because authors just love writing toxic MLs.

    Heu77 December 1, 2023 1:16 am
    Thanks you get my point, it's a nuanced conversation especially regarding a relationship like theirs with many layers. Both people have their own communication problems and internalized problems due to the mis... vanillafries

    Yeah I agree, I can’t be talking about communication when I also struggle to communicate. That’s why I said they aren’t perfect beings, I understand the fear of the MC. Just that I hope they overcome it in the future and develop confidence.

    LeatherKitten December 1, 2023 1:26 am
    I was looking in general in comments, I've been an avid BL readers for many years now and I've always seen the same pattern on critiquing/shaming on the "bottom" in the relationship. It always feels like some f... vanillafries

    Well I hate that my opinion on this one comic stirred you up so much, although I too have read BL and Bara for many years and am happy to critique any character regardless of whether they are bottoms, tops, etc. Definitely not a bottom hater or anything bizarre like that, it’s unfortunate if you got that impression. If I don’t like a Top I’ll call them out too. Hell, sometimes I don’t agree with ANYBODY in a manga. Haha. My opinion in my very first comment has not changed and won’t, but thats alright. You don’t have to agree with me, nor should you feel like you have to! That’s not my intention. I just share my two cents here and there. We don’t have to agree with each other, that’s the beauty of a comment section. (●'◡'●)ノ

    vanillafries December 1, 2023 1:46 am
    Well I hate that my opinion on this one comic stirred you up so much, although I too have read BL and Bara for many years and am happy to critique any character regardless of whether they are bottoms, tops, etc... LeatherKitten

    That's fine no need for the passive aggressiveness though