I haven’t read the novel and only the manhua, and from context clues, I do agree that she was probably very naïve and stupid and young. But my only question is does she really think that he didn’t kill her father? That lie, he told her that he wasn’t the real criminal. If she truly believe in that lie, then I could understand why she fell for him, Not really since she seen everything he’s done to female lead and he’s a criminal but ig she has some sympathy from me
BUT If she knew after everything that he was the one that killed her father, AND with his actions toward the female lead, And just a terrible person in general. Then, yeah, she honestly deserves what she got. Also, why would you want to sleep with a man that is technically “taken”, she’s sleazy for that too. Like the couple scenes when she says he deserves better than teacher he is so crazy. Giving very pick me. At one point, she should’ve woken up, she clung to him every moment of her life, and never really thought about why everyone was scared out of their life when he walked into the room. Like girl there’s a reason why everyone wants this man dead

to answer ur question,
1.) he gave his very own fingerprint to her to "stop her worries" (and he'll manipulate the results)
in her pov, not only was she orchaestrated to be proven wrong for suspecting him, but his tactic gained her trust because he made it seem like he was confident of his innocence.
2.) he also gaslit her about the teacher.
he says something along the lines of
"I like He yan. But she hates me because she thinks I'm someone else who had hurt her in the past. I'm trying to break their marriage" so he altered the situation in her head. he made it seem as He yan was just suspicious with false narratives, and he's the understanding loverboy who can endure the hatred she has for him.
so all she knows is he's only trying to break their marriage, she doesn't know the situation in a deeper level.
and if anyone was put in the situation, He Yan being paranoid is easier to believe than an excecuted ex-convict coming back to life.
and in regards to sleeping with a "taken" man,
he stated that they slept together one time when He Yan was away(escaped) because he was mad.
so they technically were "on break"
the pregnancy, she did bring it upon herself.
but i wouldn't call her just stupid for it, she was also a victim after all

Hmm I see what you mean now but that doesn’t excuse her actions, they weren’t on “break” he slept with her during the time when he yan was going thru her depression bc of the abortion. She’s still sleazy for that. Doesn’t matter if it’s one time thing bc I bet she would try multiple other times if he let her. I just don’t like women who lead their lives with relying on validation of a man.
Even her grandma knew better and she wasn’t kept informed all the time. I just think it’s silly to fall for a man thats known for his criminal backgrounds even if he’s not the real one. Their company and family are known for terrible actions. Let’s not also forget that he was “dating” he yan bsf for a bit too and the daughter knew that too but yet she’s still in love with him. She’s dumb. And completely dropped the revenge.
She’s stupid bc he told her right then, and there that he will not accept her baby and for her to get rid of it. Yet She did not get an abortion, risking her babies life by running away from him, also Why do you want to keep a man’s baby that does not want to take care of it, Meaning, she will take care of the baby alone as a teenager. And you’re saying all the time she spent with that man there’s never been any clues how evil he is? His group around him treat women like disposables and she has seen it before. SHe knew what she was getting into by continuing to interact and fall for this man she’s naive yes but she’s also DUMB thinking she can change him
All her actions led to her downfall and it’s all because of her. I really don’t blame anyone but her, I do feel a little bad but at one point ifs her fault bc she’s miserable

i don't think she chose to fall inlove (welp noone can) but atp it's just attachment. and as convinient as it sounds she can't really snap her fingers and fall out of attachment.
it might seem stressful for us bc we know what's rational for her to do but attachment will make u think another type of way. i think it's just realistic that she isn't in a stable way of thinking, after all she's been through anyway.
and why would she keep a man's baby? well, because it's her baby too. yes it's unethical for the situation, but he's basically telling a mom to kill her own baby.
her only intention for running away was to protect it.
is she stupid for that? wouldn't you call that brave? their lives might've been at risk and it really could've been better planned out, but we expect too much from her she's just a kid T.T
and what else could she have done tho? she needs to go far if she even wants a chance of surviving with it.
not blame anyone but her? what about the middle aged man who agreed to sleep with her? what about the lies/manipulation he told her? what about him forcing her to abort? what about him killing her father? and he may or may not had ordered to run her over.
sure, her thinking was more consequencial, but she is also a victim.

I never said she wasn’t a victim but I said she was stupid. You can be both LOL. So you agree she is sleazy? She willingly slept with someone that is involved with two women, whether not he lied about things, she at least knew that.
How is that brave??? In what way?? Running away is risking the baby’s life already. The only rational decision is aborting the baby. She is literally asking random ppl and teacher he for money to support the baby. Be so for realllll. That was a stupid choice to decide to keep the baby. You don’t have the financial support AND now you’re running from basically a gang that has government influence. At one point you can no longer be delusional and that is she. I’m not trying to blame the victim but I’m saying she is mostly at fault here. Idk why she ever even tried to get involved with him in the first place. You think he willing seek her out after he lied about not being the true villain, no it was her.
And don’t even get me started on the evil dude here. I’m in no way shape or form excusing his actions, he def had a part in her downfall but I’m saying it’s mostly hers, like 3/4…. So many bad things could have been avoided. It was bad action to another bad action nonstop. That’s why a lot of ppl don’t feel sympathy towards her. And I have never felt sympathy towards the “ml” either. I hated him to end so if u think I have a bias, I don’t.

you did say noone else was to blame but her, so i only pointed out who else
and may i remind that evil dude told her that He Yan hates him? still weird to get in between but it's not like their "rs" was displayed to be built on love
how is that brave? true, the rational decision is to abort it. yet even in the midst of all that, she did what she could for her child to live. that's brave, reckless tho.
and she got attachment to him which really isn't that easy to deal with
yeah, i didn't think u had bias, just wanted to remind that none of this would've happened if he wasn't evil.
i get that she was really reckless, but i kinda get her. some people just detest her for not knowing how to handle things maturely when she's literally not matured herself and she's lowkey misunderstood

I still kind of meant what I said, yes he was part of the blame but mostly her. No one told her to be dumb.
It doesn’t matter what he told her. Why did at the end she still reached out to teacher he? Bc she knew all a long that she was right. I bet deep down she knew that his lies did not makes sense but she still clung to him. It doesn’t matter how his relationship with a female lead or other women look. Why would you willing talk to a man Involved with two other women whether or not his relationship is stable or not. She thought she could change him, She was being delusional. Idc about her attachment to him bc again, she was probably the one that seek out to him to deepen the attachement.
It’s not brave, it’s STUPID. She willingly risked her life and her child’s life. Do you think that he would ever let her run away with his kid? Also what about her financial situation. I’m 100% it wasn’t about the kid but having some kind of tie to ML, bc she’s so in love with him. Dumbass.
She’s fucking stupid. Her whole downfall is because of her and her pick me attitude. Again, not excusing him, but she’s 19. She was smart enough to do small actions like the autograph so FL could see her father etc. after some words from a pretty man, she completely forgot her revenge, and decided to be as a side piece for him. I don’t feel sympathy for that. I feel sympathy for the way she died but that’s it.
I hate that fucking bitch of the policeman's daughter, she just ruined it all. She's the one who actually deserves to die. She completely ruined it all.