Y’all I have a question. I only read to chapter 44 but I hear about rape in 50. People s...

venom_234 November 20, 2023 8:14 am

Y’all I have a question. I only read to chapter 44 but I hear about rape in 50. People say it’s outta character for Matthew. But do you think it’s because he was drugged? Now he gets addicted to drugs and that’s why he doing that to Jin in chapter 50? Idk I’m just asking cuz…I feel like the reason Matthew would be so forceful is either (A.) What happened with Jin almost dying was the breaking point of his mental health (Bc let’s be real, his mental state hasn’t been the best from the beginning of the story). Or (B.) the drugs he was drugged with caused his mental health to decline, or he still addicted to those drugs. I WANT OPINIONS PPL PLEASE.

    Mike234 November 20, 2023 8:19 am

    From what i understand it would be option A as Jin’s rejection and mixed feelings added with the fact he is a little odd ball himself just finally cracked to the point were he couldn't take anymore

    venom_234 November 20, 2023 8:20 am

    ALSO I just thought of this. Do you think the reason he forced himself on Jin is because he thinks Jin is only interested in him because of sex? We saw earlier Matthew said he would do whatever Jin wanted, a blowjob, or use him as his personal dildo, hell he even offered to be the bottom. Maybe he thinks sex is the only way Jin will keep him around, because it seems he thinks Jin only wants to use him. In a flashback Matthew had of Jin, Jin was saying he was using him or something like that. So maybe that’s also why he forced himself on him? Not saying it’s right, just wondering. OR MAYBE IM OVERANALYZING LIKE I DO IN ACTUAL LIFE OMG IDK.

    venom_234 November 20, 2023 8:21 am
    From what i understand it would be option A as Jin’s rejection and mixed feelings added with the fact he is a little odd ball himself just finally cracked to the point were he couldn't take anymore Mike234

    True true. Idk ppl are saying this feels outta place but I think this story actually flows? Like the story was never sunshine and rainbows to begin with. So like, I feel like a story with drugs and gangs isn’t going to be a happy story ya know?

    Mike234 November 20, 2023 8:26 am
    ALSO I just thought of this. Do you think the reason he forced himself on Jin is because he thinks Jin is only interested in him because of sex? We saw earlier Matthew said he would do whatever Jin wanted, a bl... venom_234

    No I agree 100% with you because jin already left him at this point 2 times and only time jin even stays with him is sex. This major indicator for me was when they went to the hotel that one time and jin broke Matthew feelings resulting in him going to town on jin in a controlling manner. Also jin basically thought of Matthew as a sex toy for a substitute to his drug used before so that also didn’t help at all.

    Mike234 November 20, 2023 8:27 am
    True true. Idk ppl are saying this feels outta place but I think this story actually flows? Like the story was never sunshine and rainbows to begin with. So like, I feel like a story with drugs and gangs isn’... venom_234

    Oh ik all to well after reading that story heart break. Freaking brutal if u ask me

    venom_234 November 20, 2023 8:28 am
    No I agree 100% with you because jin already left him at this point 2 times and only time jin even stays with him is sex. This major indicator for me was when they went to the hotel that one time and jin broke ... Mike234

    OMG good point! I love well written stories that make you think and I think this is one of them :)