But if Theo doesn’t tell Seth, the egg wont develop properly because it needs both phero...

Sayr November 20, 2023 7:06 am

But if Theo doesn’t tell Seth, the egg wont develop properly because it needs both pheromones to flourish!! TELL SETH THEO, TELL HIM AND RUN OFF INTO THE SUNSET WITH SETH AND YOUR BABIESSSSSS

    reinedangoisse November 20, 2023 11:29 am

    Not necessarily, Theo's mother had Theo without her Capri and the only complication she said to of had was the pain of not receiving enough pheromones. Their first egg has a nice shiny and sturdy shell because of Seram's pheromones, but Theo can have his sexond child without Seram just fine. In fact, Mrs. Atalati said she sent away her capri as soon as she got pregnant

    Mistress_RA November 20, 2023 7:20 pm

    Sorry I was trying to like