
If you have a Discord account then join a few scanalation servers. You can ask people for recommendations on there. I'm not sure however if they would suggest free alternatives since they usually have to purchase the raws. But give it a shot. I feel like they could suggest good stuff.
Previously there used to be a few sites where you could find manga raws, but now they're all down afaik. I might have one link you can check out to see if it has anything useful (I've never used that site personally so idk). Lemme know if you want it, and I'll DM. (⌒▽⌒)
I’m learning Japanese, and I’ve gotten to a good reading comprehension level that I want to start reading stories in Japanese. I have no clue where to find these translations though, sometimes I can find the, on this sight under ‘raws’. Is there a specific way to get Raws or translations, or at least any apps I can use if I can’t find it on this sight