When fl was a kid she escape magic tower and go back to the estate but ogfl LITERALLY kicked her ass out and she got locked at magic tower again AND ogfl being so shameless wreck didnt accept her when FL said she's HER SISTER, OGfl said "you are not and i dont have a sis" when she's the one who returned FL to the magic tower bc she want her childhood prince comeback(? This isnt clear yet since i skip chapter, but some spoilers mentioned that)
AND the OGMl has audacity to blame Fl bc his beloved lover suffering bc of FL and said to her "dont ever comeback to the estate bc you're making estella suffer"
Both of them are hypocrite mfs, and sadly there's no mention how their end. Author just saying ogFL suffer emotionally (i doubt so bc she's hpocrite and thought everyone would fall in love with her basically she's goddamn narcissistic, egoist and high asf)
They both look alike