This was good. I was a bit frustrated with some stuff and I aldo hoped there were more thi...

Naia GinGin November 19, 2023 1:24 pm

This was good. I was a bit frustrated with some stuff and I aldo hoped there were more things about Leehak was addressed in regards to his past and the relationship with his family, despite it being addressed it seemed more like some parts were skipped over and parts were rushed, there was not that much depth in regards how it came to be him being so emotional attachment to kyowoon, I know it's because he wanted to be feel the love from a human (kyowoon) sigh honestly it feels loke the author just tried to paste everything about Leehak into side stories...idk, i do apprecite the author for giving a general idea of what happened in his past and at least went a bit in depth. There was more closure on Kyowoon so there's that ...anyways regardless I did enjoy it.
