"crack story" a story with an insane, bizarre or ridiculous premise as its starting point.
That is what Haruto and Izumi's story is like to me.
"rapey"... ok. it may appear that way. but in terms of actually doing it, it was consensual. for both pairs.
you are entitled to your opinion and I am to mine
But don't say "no, it's the opposite." It's the opposite to you.
I didn't say either one was "rapey"
It doesn't just 'come off' that way. It is that way. If it's not completely consensual it's rapey. That's 'a crack story' by any definition that I can think of. Ah, well, guess I wasn't taking into account your own definition. And, no, rapey stories don't give me life. Glad I could finally clear up the basic gist of what I was trying to tell you. Thanks.
so rude
I really REALLY love Jin & Momo's story.
I wanted to like Izumi and Haruto's one but they kinda come off as the crack story couple. Lol!
Momo & Jin though... they gave me life.
loved it
I hope it still continues