i think dohyeok did not go after the family tho. i've seen a few of the raws and i think it's foreshadowing that it isn't dohyeok, but siwoo is gonna think that because obv dohyeok just threatened siwoo's family when actually it's not dohyeok who did that and then it'll be another misunderstanding and shit. but yeah literally it just does not make sense for them to end up together this plot isn't helping at all.

I mean hey if Dohyeok was all bark no bite with that threat then good for him, really. Finally an ounce of... decency. Prove me wrong, Dohyeok, I beg you.
But it's just REALLLY hard to give him the benefit of the doubt rn cause this is the same man who was proven to do shady business with company funds and he literally got arrested (he got away cause money but yeah). He has a track record for misappropriating funds. Grandma chairman even slapped him.
Jiwoon was reviewing documents in that tablet showing company activities involving Seorim furniture that DH was 'proposing'. Suha saw it, I assume. The board will even review it. Whatever those documents, accounting or fund request are just... enough evidence. DH CAN act on the threat. With his jerk mindset and emotional instability rn, he most probably will or already did.
This is the same man who left Jiwoon drugged up in that hotel room to get raped, dragged Suha to a hotel room and attempted rape, trespassed their apartment and assaulted Suha, and who knows all the icky shits he got into with the gray haired friend and their orgy 'group'.
I really want this jerk to prove me wrong.

yeah tbh dohyeok is a piece of shit excuse for a human being like genuinely there is no way i'll feel bad for him and i definitely do not think he deserves a happy ending. idk what is up with the author the plot is really strange and does not make sense, and it was this way even in the original story before the side stories. i think dohyeok shouldn't have got his own side stories tbh he's just a villain and there should be no happy ending with siwoo for him after everything he's done.
I cannot see them getting together now that Do-hyeok went after his family and their business. Do-hyeok just keeps upping his assholery lmao.
For now, I can't see him having character development 'yet' even after 'all' he went through. Until he even 'considers' getting therapy, he'll probably just keep fucking shit up and continue being a jerk in these side stories.
The ending of these sides might be him completely losing Siwoo and all his chances with him and it will be JUST THEN that Dohyeok's life-changing jerk-ending character development will really start. And we see him contemplate everything that happened lol. Siwoo might just be his 'the one who got away' that made him realize he needs to be a better creature.
Idk tho. Dh's such a bigass jerk. I HONESTLY would be more surprised if they somehow DO end up together than not.