as a black person seeing that black man depicted as fat with big lips made me cringe

crackhead Sasha November 18, 2023 12:22 pm

as a black person seeing that black man depicted as fat with big lips made me cringe

    Iliketoreadstuff November 19, 2023 11:53 am

    Me too like how is ts revalant to the story

    crackhead Sasha November 19, 2023 3:18 pm
    Me too like how is ts revalant to the story Iliketoreadstuff

    literally like we do not look like that

    *gibberish name* November 19, 2023 9:22 pm

    Well yah its kinda weird but i think the only reason why they drew that black person lips like that is because the jp people you can barely see their lips (like irl asian/white have thin lips or maybe THINNER lips than black people its pretty btw) so the author had to exaggerate the black persons lips. Well this is only my opinion sorry if i offended someone here i didn't mean to do that)

    Iliketoreadstuff November 19, 2023 10:06 pm
    Well yah its kinda weird but i think the only reason why they drew that black person lips like that is because the jp people you can barely see their lips (like irl asian/white have thin lips or maybe THINNER l... *gibberish name*

    Nah that’s def not true since their are manga artists that draw black people normally such as the Mangakas for Bleach, Naruto and Fire punch. This was def some racist caricature.

    *gibberish name* November 19, 2023 10:53 pm
    Nah that’s def not true since their are manga artists that draw black people normally such as the Mangakas for Bleach, Naruto and Fire punch. This was def some racist caricature. Iliketoreadstuff

    Well ig that's true , im not good with observing such things so i think im wrong in that part. But yeah

    mmm.corp November 21, 2023 4:55 am
    literally like we do not look like that crackhead Sasha

    Broski, tf do you mean. Some of us really do look like that. Just yesterday I saw a black football player with lips looking like sausages. Like, sure, lots of people don't look like that but what about those that do look like that. Don't they deserve any representation at all? All because apparently in the minds of all of y'all they look like caricatures?

    crackhead Sasha November 21, 2023 5:12 am
    Broski, tf do you mean. Some of us really do look like that. Just yesterday I saw a black football player with lips looking like sausages. Like, sure, lots of people don't look like that but what about those th... mmm.corp

    bffr rn i’ve seen black fat characters depicted way better then whatever tf this is. he exaggerated the looks it literally looks like them jim crow cartoons

    crackhead Sasha November 21, 2023 5:15 am
    Broski, tf do you mean. Some of us really do look like that. Just yesterday I saw a black football player with lips looking like sausages. Like, sure, lots of people don't look like that but what about those th... mmm.corp

    and saying “lips looking like sausages” is a fucking microagression. such a weird way to describe black people with big lips don’t u think??

    mmm.corp November 21, 2023 5:31 am
    bffr rn i’ve seen black fat characters depicted way better then whatever tf this is. he exaggerated the looks it literally looks like them jim crow cartoons crackhead Sasha

    Ah yes, you want all black people to suddenly change to be drawn like white peeps. My mf-ing uncle looks extremely similar to the dude in this manga, but I guess he's apparently too ugly to be shown in drawn format lmao. Just goes to show how y'all really think about our looks.

    mmm.corp November 21, 2023 5:38 am
    and saying “lips looking like sausages” is a fucking microagression. such a weird way to describe black people with big lips don’t u think?? crackhead Sasha

    Dudeski, I would've also described a white chick with lip fillers as having sausage like lips, why would it be a mIcRoAgGrEsSiOn to call a black dude like that? Well, maybe I shouldn't because it's kinda mean but "microaggression"? Really??

    crackhead Sasha November 21, 2023 5:46 am
    Dudeski, I would've also described a white chick with lip fillers as having sausage like lips, why would it be a mIcRoAgGrEsSiOn to call a black dude like that? Well, maybe I shouldn't because it's kinda mean b... mmm.corp

    definition of micro aggression:a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group. and don’t just say ur “being mean” when we’re literally talking abt black peoples portrayal on media. that’s a very insensitive comment that ofc ur dumbass wouldn’t realize

    crackhead Sasha November 21, 2023 5:47 am
    Ah yes, you want all black people to suddenly change to be drawn like white peeps. My mf-ing uncle looks extremely similar to the dude in this manga, but I guess he's apparently too ugly to be shown in drawn fo... mmm.corp

    ‘Ah yes, you want all black people to suddenly change to be drawn like white peeps’ like wtf r u spouting cause i never said shit abt that. just talking to urself atp

    crackhead Sasha November 21, 2023 5:52 am
    Dudeski, I would've also described a white chick with lip fillers as having sausage like lips, why would it be a mIcRoAgGrEsSiOn to call a black dude like that? Well, maybe I shouldn't because it's kinda mean b... mmm.corp

    and at the end of the day this comment was from my experience reading that panel. i cringed and what? idgaf if u think all black people should be portrayed as fat with exaggerated lips because this was literally how I (key word here is I) felt during reading that tf hop off my dick

    *gibberish name* November 21, 2023 10:33 am

    I'm not a black person so i respect both of your opinions, but mmm.corp didn't say that all black people should be drawn like this they said SOME are. Also they said that their uncle kinda looks like the character here , so isn't that the reason why they didn't find this cringe or offensive??

    And yah crackhead sasha didn't say that they want black people to look like white people , and describing a thic lips like a sausage is kind of off.

    Guys srsly? You both have a point if you ask me but your conversation here is getting kind of personal. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    *gibberish name* November 21, 2023 10:34 am

    Also im sorry ,english is not my first language so if i type something that might sound offensive to you both i apologized!!

    Iliketoreadstuff November 21, 2023 10:47 am
    Ah yes, you want all black people to suddenly change to be drawn like white peeps. My mf-ing uncle looks extremely similar to the dude in this manga, but I guess he's apparently too ugly to be shown in drawn fo... mmm.corp

    Nga are you being dense on purpose????? Stop acting slow yk what she’s tryna say you jus wanna argue over nothing

    mmm.corp November 21, 2023 4:58 pm
    and at the end of the day this comment was from my experience reading that panel. i cringed and what? idgaf if u think all black people should be portrayed as fat with exaggerated lips because this was literall... crackhead Sasha

    Wtf, "fat with exaggerated lips"? Mf-er, some black peeps are fat some have big ass lips, like Jesus, even my own lips are pretty damn big. And I see no problem with that because I dont hate myself. You're the one that acts like people with these characteristics are caricatures smh. Y'all really seem to have a problem with seeing black fat people with big lips in drawn format like that's too ugly for your eyes or something. Not all black people look like the dude in this manga but some do, and so what? He's just a background character that is shown for literally one page, like he's not even acting in any derogatory way shape or form. Just a businessman discussing some businesses with the Ml. And this got y'all panties in a twist. Damn.

    Also, wtf are y'all even expecting?? It's a JAPANESE manga, like you know, literally one of the most closed off and xenofobic countries? Are we suddenly surprised that they don't have our sensibilities in drawing black peeps?

    crackhead Sasha November 22, 2023 3:57 am
    Nga are you being dense on purpose????? Stop acting slow yk what she’s tryna say you jus wanna argue over nothing Iliketoreadstuff

    literally they just yapping atp not even finna reply cause i got mangas to finish

    Iliketoreadstuff November 22, 2023 8:55 am
    literally they just yapping atp not even finna reply cause i got mangas to finish crackhead Sasha


    Iminsane November 28, 2023 12:19 am
    Broski, tf do you mean. Some of us really do look like that. Just yesterday I saw a black football player with lips looking like sausages. Like, sure, lots of people don't look like that but what about those th... mmm.corp

    BITCH WHAT?!? Are you guitarted??