I mean (if i remember correctly) doesn't the Messenger reveals his name as Joohwan in the story? And he also shares the exact same betraying story with Dohui related to his past life linked to King ordering his people to poison his closest and most loyal official Joohwan. Like it was shown like that to us in the story. So who is Ja Cheonseong then?
Could it be that there were twins ( since messenger also shares that king killed his whole family too.. something like that) ...and one might have wanted/ wished for the normal life, and other one ,who was serving the king, wanted to be with the king but got killed... It's just a wild guess...i can't wait for the author to return with the bonus chapters and explain all of it.

**correction: actually in Ch 54, when the Messenger visits the old, sick and dieing King , during those paets, the old king takes his name as Joohwan and says that he misses him... and that's when the Messenger also says(in his thoughts) something like "my name...! " "That's right...I had a name once too."
So from this i thought that could be the Messenger's real name from his past life...
I loved this shit, it's a really good story...I guess I wasn't not the only one that found third couples story kinda unclear so i found some explanation on reddit
"OK firstly, apparently the author said they'll be back with a bonus to explain the king and ja chanseong cp.
Next is my own interpretation of what happened so far. Ja Cheonseong is the official serving the king, Lee Seon, back in the past life. Remember how the King went to Dohui and asked about Choi Joohwan at first? If I remember correctly, the king didn't even know the name Choi Joohwan so I think that name and persona is one separate from Ja Chanseong.
Also, the author left a hint in the conversation between current day Dohui and Choi Joohwan where Dohui tells him that he can "quit" if he can clear up the unresolved wishes in his past life and find out what is the cause.
So while Choi Joowan's wish was to lead a normal life, Ja Chanseong's wish was to be with the king. Hence, even after the king left Choi Joohwan, he felt tortured even more because that was not what Ja Chanseong wanted.
At the last part where Choi Joohwan said "it's not you?" I think it means that the one haunting him with the dreams of the past was not the king which means it has to be Ja Chanseong dreaming up the memories of his past with the king.
Now this last part I'm really just guessing, Ja Chanseong said "your forgiveness lies with me". At this point, the king alr became a demon and Ja Chanseong had some unresolved resentment because the king had him killed by poison back then, so he chooses to accept the king and asks the king to accept him as he exorcises him as a shaman and have both their souls trapped in the shaman's tiger bells forever. So in a way, they got to be together in the end albeit a super tragic way?
I hope the author addresses this in their bonus that is to come after their break. I do want to reiterate that this is just my interpretation and not facts. So take it with a pinch of salt."