I don't see why his weight plays any role tbh. He wasn't really ugly either tbh.
I get people have a problem with stylized 'Jay-Z meets cartoons' lips and whatnot, but his weight wasn't a problem (it's not a stereotype that black people are fat) and he wasn't drawn ugly either (we've seen the artist draw ugly faces in funny moments, if they WANTED an ugly person, we'd have gotten one).

Here it is, chapter 6 somewhere close to the end: https://iweb19.mangapicgallery.com/r/newpiclink/my_darling_is_a_foreign_crybaby_official/186379/186379_32069472.jpg
It's a more stereotypical depiction, more towards cartoony-fying than anime style I'd say.
Think: Jay-Z lips meet simplified cartoon drawing methods and that's what you got there. Plus, it's a chibi drawing too in that one panel, so I suppose people forgot that chibification simplifies shapes even MORE than normal, so for drawing styles it somewhat makes sense.
For the style it makes sense and how anime+chibification works, but people seem to find it racist since it's like the olden days Disney stuff and whatnot.
As a mixed person myself I really don't care tbh tho. My dad also doesn't care, so I'm not jumping on the hype train to call it racism and cancel the author. I have more important things to worry about and it was literally TWO tiny panels in the whole story so I don't care at all. Given you didn't see it in the first place, it's probably really just THAT unimportant. :P

Octopus, that's good. It's quite accurate tbh given how they stylize an octopus. X'D
To explain: in cartoons and comics it's common to simplify shapes. The regular style already. If you THEN add onto that drawing cutesy, chibi art for a funny or adorable scene: you get even MORE simplification mixed into that.
Hence why thicc lips are usually drawn like that. But people forget that even non-black people are occassionally drawn like that too. Tho those are more rare since having Jay-Z type lips isn't a thing for anyone other than people of black heritage. BUT they do appear on obnoxious bishes with sausage lip fillers, urgh - they are THE example of why this has nothing to do with race usually, they are always drawn with the same lips in chibi style and nobody calls it racist there (which likely has to do with the mindset of: this is OUR racist thing - or at leats people in the west make it feel that way XD).
I'm not sure if people would have complained if the artist had drawn not one round ring around the mouth-opening but instead had made it two stripes that end in a </> shape on the sides. People love being offended in the west so I have no idea if that would have helped them not be bothered.
My part-black butt couldn't care less even with this version tbh. It looks funny and old-school comic-like, but it's not racist to me. Racism is an intention, but this seems more accidental due to copying older mangaka styles or irl photos/caricatures as reference (which I tbh find logical to do).
My advice is: Take racism accusations with a big grain of salt in these days (especially this website, I have seen some huge bullshit in the past on here), you usually won't regret it.
To each their own. But people REALLY need to chill. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
where’s the racism? i think i missed that panel? over all this was such a good manga