Okay. And? Guilt is the most simplistic strand of what's at work here and the one most likely to obscure the violent underpinnings of what informs her behaviour, especially as you explained it. It's a facile reading. If you want the complexity in your analysis to be acknowledged and engaged with present it. You don't want to, fine, but makes no sense calling attention to the illusion.
I guess I understand why she had this reaction but to VOLUNTARILY make yourself homeless is a stupid decision to make. Period. To think of all the other reasons kids are driven from their homes?! She only ever had the *luxury* of doing this because her father did the utmost to protect and provide for her.
And to pass this off as her doing it purely out of "guilt"? No. That's a part of it but this is thoroughly informed by society's patriarchy and violent stigmatisation of sex work. To sever one's relationship with some one who has provided and loved you your whole life involves a far more complex and TOXIC mix of beliefs and emotions than feeling ashamed and being a teen. Please be serious.