So the plot is this poor guy was raped against his will and in order to survive he’s goi...

blueninja89 November 17, 2023 7:10 am

So the plot is this poor guy was raped against his will and in order to survive he’s going to have to have sexual contact against his will to live many more times. Yeah…

    Sugarhoneyicedtea November 17, 2023 9:14 am

    That is literally the core of the guideverse genre. Physical contact is needed for guides to 'guide' espers. Without it they will (depending on the authors choices) either die or 'erupt', which means they lose control of their powers and go insane and destroy everything.
    The best and fastest way for a guide to help an esper is through sex as the membranes in the mouth, vajayjay and ass are very thin, so the contact is stronger. Without the guide 'raping' him he would've died from the overuse of his powers. Although it was forced, it was the only way for the guide to save his life