
I've read this manhwa way back before I learned about Bulimia nervosa and now that I've learned about it last year and tried to reread this again(ch 2), I agree that this manhwa causes misinformation about bulimia. Although maybe this just a kind of wrong translation or maybe the author just had a different meaning about bulimia or the author really doesn't know about bulimia....Anyways, just correct me if there's something wrong in my statement.^^
No shade to the author but this guy's diet is NOT healthy.
At that weight 5000 cherry tomatoes will lead to severe malnutrition, since he's bigger he needs more nutrients. Also working out 4 hrs a day WHILE MALNOURISHED is incredibly dangerous.
The last I heard, when a girl was forced to do this to lose weight, she died. She died in less than a year, lmfao. Making people think this is healthy is just not okay. This story is so dumb for that bro..
Also bulimia is a severe eating disorder, not a disease. It's not rare, and it's when someone (most times) has a severe diet that result in binge eats and, later on, induced vomiting. Bulimia is not a disease that causes severe gluttony