Akihito dear it's been awhile that we finally meet but why are being DUMB!!...
I don't want to see rape or sexual assault. Please, Autor-san, if you're go...
That better be asami.
All this to have Akihito to crossdress! See you all in 6 months jejejeje
****cry a riverrrr*** aside from Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai manga, this is my second most favorite manga eveeerrr!!! They are so cute, it makes me squeak every time Aki and Asami encounter (and y'all know how many times they see each other in one chapter) GYAAAAA!! I came across this manga so many times, but when I saw they have 68 chapters, i was like, hell no mama miaaa! However, i dont know what comes to me last night, i decided to read it. AND OH. MY .GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*nosebleed a bucket*** fuckkkk! @&$%#* THIS IS ADDICTION!!
Pleasee updatee!