I think the husband is "Cedric"

Lady hatake November 15, 2023 10:27 am

She's been neglected, scorned, & told she's trash her entire life. She will cling on too, anyone that shows her the slightest hint of care & love. He's an asshole for ignoring her, & telling her shit in their wedding day. But she doesn't know that the knitting kit, was purchased by the maid & butler. She thinks the husband did it, so she sees him as a distant, but kind person. I mean, technically he paid for it, & the dresses. It's the first time, ANYONE has gotten her something. In her eyes, he gave her a home, warm food, staff to look after her, & her own clothes, knitting kit, shoes, etc. It's normal behavior of an abused person, they are like baby chicks. They imprint on the 1st person to show them kindness. His actions aren't kind, but when you compare then to the abuse her own "family" inflicted on her. His indifference is a blessing, & she sees him as a provider. Since he can easily choose to beat her, starve her, & deny her everything. I don't think Cedric is her step/ or biological brother. She only mentioned the witch & ass-hole, having ONE evil spawn. The doctor, & butler , didn't mention any "Cedric" either. I think he's a childhood friend, or possibly even her own husband. Maybe they just interchange letters, & haven't seen each other since they were children. He would be an idiot to not recognize her, if this was true. But this story is fiction, so anything goes. He did say that the name sounds familiar to him, so it must mean something important to him, since he can't remember anything else. Unfortunately, that would mean that he was technically cheating on, & neglecting his wife. For longing after another women, that he hasn't seen since childhood, & only interchange letters with. Maybe that's why he treats her coldly, because he only loves the girl he proposed too, as a child. He probably thinks that his wife used dirty tricks, to force him to marry her.

    pororoche November 25, 2023 6:10 am


    From what I've read so far from the spoiler, Cedric is definitely not the ML hihi


    Hua LanXia April 11, 2024 5:22 pm

    Cedric is the step brother of hers whom is 7 years younger that her.