That one with the foreign god was so dubious, man... I just re-read it to see and got a headache:
First we had an interruption in the middle of the chapter, where we don't know what Seth answered to the foreign dude's question, then next scene they were already doing it (yeah, we ALL know a person under the influence can't consent but, whatever... let's say that for 1 minute we follow the author on this, and ignore that "little" detail... ... ... ?? I swear trying to follow this author's intent is getting more and more difficult), then Seth got angry and thought something like "I shouldn't have fallen for what he told me in order to convince me!" (which I GUESS is the author's way of saying "See this? He kinda consented!"), then Seth wanted to stop and yet they still continued... So author either never got the memor or not giving a f... about the fact that, nowadays, it IS recognized in many parts of the world that people CAN be withdraw their consent, even after it's already been given.
I swear sometimes I feel like erotic and romantic dynamics in fiction have never evolved one bit past Rodolfo Valentino's rapey "The Sheik" film and Jane Webster's grooming "Daddy Long Legs"...
ah… i had blocked the scene where the weirdo outsider god raped seth… thx (not) for reminding me chap 146… ( ̄へ ̄)
(that scene was literally so unnecessary. pretty sure it was fanservice but at the same time it was horrible?? i don’t get it)