yah love shin but the author kinda lost their plot a bit with him cuz how can someone who lives on the street and has been through quite a lot of shit like Shin still acts impulsively like this??? was he just lucky all this time or was it just the author running out of juice (author was indeed not healthy tho so maybe...). i hope the next season will show Shin with more than a single braincell tho but even if it won't i still love him. he's a good sport :(

Acting impulsively is what got Shin got involved with Jake in the first place. AND how he almost ended up in bed with Ross even after Jake told him no sleeping around with other guys. Did you forget? Shin’s consistently been staying true to character, which is why Jake not only gave him a stern warning to stay home, but also tried to make sure he WAS home before venturing out on his latest mission. He’ll get them out of it somehow, but Caesar’s going to be in a lot of trouble for failing him

I defo agree with all the points that shin’s brain has not been braining. But there was a small point the author inserted where shin was uhm I think entranced by violence or something like that. The thrill of it ig. Like how he still keeps staying with Jay despite the warning signs in his head. I think that’s why he’s so adamant on inserting himself in dangerous situations altho it is so frkng frustrating to read. Poor Jay ( ̄へ ̄)
Messing with wrong guy’s car, following random strangers to unknown places (not once but twice), going exactly to the place multiple people warned him about, oh and that time he grabbed a gun and just raced all the way to save Gren or whatever, flirting with freaking Ross, going to meet him alone, I’m probably forgetting things but he’s written as someone guarded, always in his head thinking about being cautious and what he learned from his childhood, making assumptions, jumping to conclusions all on his own but when it comes down to actions he keeps getting himself into hot shit over and over precisely because he doesn’t think before acting. Such a himbo I love him.