I'm so confused

Leilei November 14, 2023 10:53 pm

Okay so I'm reading the manhwa but have not read the novel but I have seen spoilers here and there and now my brain is a jumbled mess of information.

The woman in the car with dokja is Han sooyoung right? (I can literally only remember Kim dokjas name and the name of his boi but I can't spell it LOL)

Anyway, wasn't sooyoung the one who WROTE ways of survival or what it was called? Why does dokja know more about the story than her? I'm so confused.

Someone enlighten me please.

    Flomi November 14, 2023 11:12 pm

    I think she was the author of another series that basically was a copy of Ways of Survival. She read a lot of it to copy but dokja has read more. Not 100% sure though but that's what I have got from reading

    Stalker3685 November 14, 2023 11:23 pm


    Basically the Han Sooyoung we are seeing rn is the one who wrote the copy of ways of survival, BUT in the novel it tells us that when Han Sooyoung got her skill to clone herself, she accidently made a clone with too much information which ran off and disappeared. That clone was the one who wrote ways of survival. Han Sooyoung cant remember.
    It sounds even more confusing but i dont want to spoil the whole thing-( ̄∇ ̄")

    shemi November 14, 2023 11:27 pm

    She wrote another story that is suspiciously similar to Ways of Survival. Dokja's calling it a plagiarism but she denied it. The lie detection skill confirmed that she was indeed telling the truth, so keep that in mind. She read Ways of Survival but dropped it because it was so bad. Her story on the other hand is really good and was very popular. She is actually a great writer. Dokja wrote about this plagiarism to her and on many forums but got doxxed by her fans. That's about everything that's been revealed in the comic so far. I did not put any novel spoilers here.

    Zeal November 14, 2023 11:38 pm

    Yes she is the author however dokja didn't know because the authors name is written anonymously. Tls123 maybe if I'm not mistaken.

    shemi November 14, 2023 11:55 pm
    Yes she is the author however dokja didn't know because the authors name is written anonymously. Tls123 maybe if I'm not mistaken. Zeal


    Obviously spoilers.

    Don't give endgame spoilers, man. It's way more nuanced than that and you just gave a stupid spoiler that does not even cover the complexity in this.
    Current her did not even write it yet and it's not her who came up with the story.

    Mrs. Ackerman November 15, 2023 12:09 am

    Basically what happened is that there are two of Han Sooyoung one went to a different world line which is her avatar while this one rn is her I guess you can say main body. The diff word line came to current world line because of the scenario creatures king ( I forgot their name but it with a Different) The diff world line wrote ways of survival, at night the diff world line would use present world line body. It was to save Kim Dokja's from committing suicide. This word line wrote the copy using ideas based off the other word line because.

    Salvation November 15, 2023 12:55 am

    even if we gave you the spoilers, u wouldnt really get it, thats why u shourld read the novel

    Leilei November 15, 2023 8:08 am

    Thanks everyone!

    I get it's super complicated haha but at least it cleared my confusion a bit.

    I did try to read the novel but I'm just so damn bad with the names that I have literally no idea what's going on because I don't know who is who. And it's even worse because there's sooo many characters.