apart from almost being SAed from that old man i don’t feel sorry for her at all. suffering like that when you have a loving dad and a warm home you are rejecting because of your sick prejudice. loser.
Well she's just a kid. Everyone makes mistake and i think with what she had to go through, she were able to understand and appreciate her father's efforts and sacrifices.
She was a teenager who was taught to think sex work is something to be ashamed of and didn’t really see much through that which is what most people think about sw currently
She was a teenager who was taught to think sex work is something to be ashamed of and didn’t really see much through that which is what most people think about sw currently Erwins Arm
I don’t think you’re grasping just how intense her reaction is…be very serious what kid do you know is willing to become homeless and poor because their parent is a sex worker ?? this is not normal and not something that can be excused with “she’s a kid” and “this attitude is normal in Korea”. please face reality.
sex work is illegal and highly stigmatised in korea, shes a teenager. toilet terrorist
“she’s a kid” what teenager do you know is going through ridiculous levels of homelessness and poverty just because their parent is a sex worker ? this is would be the reaction of someone who is being abused. it’s just ridiculous and not realistic.
I don’t think you’re grasping just how intense her reaction is…be very serious what kid do you know is willing to become homeless and poor because their parent is a sex worker ?? this is not normal and no... frisbee
“she’s a kid” what teenager do you know is going through ridiculous levels of homelessness and poverty just because their parent is a sex worker ? this is would be the reaction of someone who is being abu... frisbee
It’s clear you have no clue what it’s like to live in an extremely sex-repulsed conservative country. She’s behaving that way because she’s a teenage girl that was raised in that kind of society. Social stigma is intense in Korea, and many people have killed themselves for less.
I don’t think you’re grasping just how intense her reaction is…be very serious what kid do you know is willing to become homeless and poor because their parent is a sex worker ?? this is not normal and no... frisbee
I never said it was normal, her reaction was over the top and I know that however there’s various factors that can come to play within her choosing homelessness and one of those reasons why she was over the top was because she is just a kid, a child that doesn’t know the world properly… I think she was trying to make a point of ‘you disgust me.’ albeit not a very good way to show it. Attitudes towards sex workers in South Korea are very real and in reality. Also it’s probably safe to say that she knows her reaction is intense and not appropriate and will realise that in the later chapters sorry for the tangent
It’s clear you have no clue what it’s like to live in an extremely sex-repulsed conservative country. She’s behaving that way because she’s a teenage girl that was raised in that kind of society. Social... ari
It’s clear you have no clue what it’s like to live in an extremely sex-repulsed conservative country. She’s behaving that way because she’s a teenage girl that was raised in that kind of society. Social... ari
you’re saying this as if there’s a single country that isn’t an extremely sex repulsed conservative country. you’re bending your back to justify beyond terrible behaviour whilst simultaneously completely infantilising her because she’s a teenager. i hope you know teenagers can most definitely make uniformed decisions and are quite capable of not acting prejudiced despite prejudicial societal views. swap her prejudice against sex workers with other forms of discrimination and you will be singing a different tune.
I never said it was normal, her reaction was over the top and I know that however there’s various factors that can come to play within her choosing homelessness and one of those reasons why she was over the t... Erwins Arm
you are another one infantilising her and acting as if she’s a dumb helpless kid who knows nothing when that is so wrong. teenagers are not babies and have a working and developing brain. “she was making a point of you disgust me” - do you know how stupid a justification this is ? you’re saying she knows nothing of the world when she most definitely knows the dangers of the world from a distance but is now experiencing it due to nonsensical prejudice. Yes I know south Korea is anti-sex work but so is every country in this world so that does not make the Korean context special. I know she realises it later on but with I am judging her within this flashback.
you’re saying this as if there’s a single country that isn’t an extremely sex repulsed conservative country. you’re bending your back to justify beyond terrible behaviour whilst simultaneously completel... frisbee
You understand that not all countries are the same, right? And that this specific manhwa is interested in the topics affecting Korea, and the sexual stigma rampant in Korea. You’re also talking like this teenager is real when she’s not — she’s a representation of the toxic sex repulsed society that Korea influences on its youth, and the extreme, illogical reactions some people end up having when faced with a social stigma. But this fictional teenager grows up and unlearns this mindset when she realizes sex workers are people too and what her father does is not shameful.
Even in this comments section, you can tell there are people who have been deeply affected by their own sex repulsed society. There’s a lot of real life people disrespecting these fictional characters because they’re sex workers and talking like the main couple are cheating on each other because of the nature of their work. So is it so unbelievable to write about an example of a teen girl that grew up in that environment reacting extremely?
There’s also just no point in throwing stones at her because she grows up and we know this! She becomes a better person and realizes how extreme she acted!
you are another one infantilising her and acting as if she’s a dumb helpless kid who knows nothing when that is so wrong. teenagers are not babies and have a working and developing brain. “she was making a ... frisbee
I’m not justifying nor I’m I defending her!!! I know it’s prejudice!! Sex work viewed in sk Isnt how they view it in western countries- just because you say every country is anti sex doesn’t disregard the fact that sk has extremely stigmasited it not every country is equal in their prejudices you know. And yes she knew it at a distance- that’s it. I never said for her responsibility for her actions to be taken away just because she’s a child I to want to see how she realises fucked up and then ask for forgiveness.
You understand that not all countries are the same, right? And that this specific manhwa is interested in the topics affecting Korea, and the sexual stigma rampant in Korea. You’re also talking like this teen... ari
I’m nor trying to fight you, bro, you’re the one that doesn’t want to read. Asian countries experience a different type of conservatism from western countries, where collectivist societies are more prominent and the social condemnation far outweighs the individual guilt one would feel if they’re involved in social taboos. It’s honestly a simple concept that different people who grew up in different cultures would react to situations differently, but you’d rather believe that every teenager would act as rationally as you would in every country in the world.
apart from almost being SAed from that old man i don’t feel sorry for her at all. suffering like that when you have a loving dad and a warm home you are rejecting because of your sick prejudice. loser.