At first

Meru21 November 14, 2023 3:08 pm

At first I was for Cha Joon, then that slowly changed to Taeoh when I saw how he was changing and learning to deal with his feelings and act confident in himself. I really do think they suit each other, although Nabom is slowly losing character traits and becoming flat. Lol. I'm really glad Taeoh is happy. I just want Cha Joon to be happy too, as well as his brother. He had a hard choice and he was manipulated into that choice. Then the one person he thought would never betray him and whom he idolized put him in the worst possible situation. It's no wonder he's stuck in the past. He clings to his only happy memories so that he can survive through the life he feels trapped in. He's being horribly abused mentally and physically, and he hides it all behind a smile he doesn't mean. He reminds me so much of my past. Circumstances weren't the same, of course, but the emotions and coping mechanisms were. I really hope he doesn't try to hurt himself. He's at such a low point right now and the one person who brought him joy and hope rejected him. He's so fixated on Nabom saving him that he's never thought to save himself. I understand that completely and it hurts to see. I just want to scoop him up and tell him it's okay to feel everything he's feeling deep down. That it's okay to be lost, but you don't have to stay lost. And it's not your job to sacrifice yourself for others. Being happy doesn't mean you're selfish and running away from a situation that has you so sad and hopeless is nothing to be ashamed of or to be deemed a failure. It's not a failure. Everyone else failed you, not the other way around. You don't need to make anyone happy but yourself.
I sincerely hope he can cut out the toxicity, move forward and be happy with himself again.
