Aint no way

plinky25 November 14, 2023 8:07 am

Felt like my heart got stomped on rn lmfao. It’s a good thing that I wasn’t reading this 24/7 and only skipped around and checked in on it. Ngl I hate it when stories do this. They trick you and actually make it so that the 2nd lead is the first guy she meets, is the guy she’s MOSTLY seen with throughout the story. But the first lead comes into the story late. It just feels like it was so unnecessary to put him into the story as a stepping stone for their relationship. Why couldn’t the pink hair have been in the story sooner or more?? There was more development between the 2nd lead than the first. I aint made or dislike the pink hair tbh- I just hate this type of writing/plot set up.
I’m glad I didn’t follow the story much, since for some reason every time I read a love triangle I end up choosing the dude that loses (it’s not even that I choose the 2nd lead or guy that comes in later, I literally alternate between who comes first and second depending on personality type). I feel like I got some sorta curse that makes every dude I like in a story the one not chosen.
Another example where they have the 2nd lead more in the story than the actual first lead is this one manga where a pretty girl switches bodies with a “unattractive” girl and it’s about her trying to get her body back. The ENTIRE manga was her being helped by the second lead. Sure she had a bf in her OG body but they rarely had scenes and he stuck to the “fake” person in her OG body. But by the end, the 2nd lead was brushed off and left alone (despite being by her side the entire time) and she got back together with the first lead. I would at least be happier if the 2nd lead was provided his own happiness possibly with someone else. But apparently authors hate when 2nd leads no longer like the mc.
