so i read like 14 chapters in one go, then skipped twenty. then read couple more and just ...

Kirrica November 13, 2023 11:56 pm

so i read like 14 chapters in one go, then skipped twenty. then read couple more and just skimmed/skipped 20 more chapters to read the end. I missed absolutely nothing plot wise.

a bit too much smut and it got boring, but they were the most sensual scenes i read, so it was different in a good way. I guess the author really wanted to convey this sensuous desire through these slow and detailed scenes. I thought it would get more psychological and dramatic as these types of manhwa usually do. The way the author conveyed the story and characters reminded me of Escape into Oblivion manhwa. Pinch of mystery, misery, desire, interesting character exposition throurh monologues or them as a narrator, maybe get into their brain deeper.... But there was nothing of the sorts lol.
Anyway, not a bad read, just not that interesting.
