Why are you making things up and writing redundant comments with redundant suggestions?
Why don’t you get all the information and facts before making an ass of yourself. You know when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME.
Why are you obsessed with making it “happy with see the mc being abused”? It is not about disliking it. Why don’t you ask where he is coming from instead?

Jezuz all that just cuz you want people not to criticize a clearly abusive situation.
what fuckin info are you talking about dude? I am talking about whats happening here before our eyes is clear as day, there is no other info im talking about.
Abuse is abuse, the background might explain where its coming from but it does NOT excuse it and it certainly doesnt mean you have to like or forgive the person doing the abuse regardless of the circumstances. Abuse deserves criticism. Period.
You trying to drive away people who are criticising only makes you look like an abuse/abuser apologist (because poor baby suffered so hes justified in abusing others, aw).
Go touch grass and let people criticise whatever the hell they want. The world doesnt revolve around you.

I don’t get how your comment corresponds with this whole situation. Did anyone say “Go die and stop criticizing this story?” No. It’s only advice that is given. No one is offended by people who don’t like this book. It’s just a situation where you have to advise the haters to read something they like instead of criticizing not only the story but the author and those who enjoy this story. Who isn’t aware of the abuse? This is a toxic relationship in a toxic story. Yes complain about the abuse for all I care but what becomes the aftermath? That’s to show your criticism is in pure vain.
Anyway, y’all are really the ones that need to rest and eat grass lmao.

“Abuse deserves criticism”.
Why are you abusing me?
“Jezuz all that just cuz you want people not to criticize a clearly abusive situation.”
How did you get that? You imposed an argument and a positions. That is you being abusive.
“what fuckin info are you talking about dude? I am talking about whats happening here before our eyes is clear as day, there is no other info im talking about.”
I am talking about what happened here in this topic not the story. Why are you trying to make his position and opinions, details from the story? No one has denied the abuse in the story. You have missed what is happening before your eyes. It is clear as day you are making this about your agenda instead of knowing us or our opinions or positions. That is abusive.
“Abuse is abuse, the background might explain where its coming from but it does NOT excuse it and it certainly doesnt mean you have to like or forgive the person doing the abuse regardless of the circumstances. Abuse deserves criticism. Period.”
No one is. This is not about the story. Where are you thinking we excused abuse? You are on your hate crusade. Why are you making this about the story and forcing people into positions? That is abusive.
“You trying to drive away people who are criticising only makes you look like an abuse/abuser apologist (because poor baby suffered so hes justified in abusing others, aw).”
No, stop talking out of your ass. We don’t drive people way. That was a very abusive sentence. Question why are you reducing the story down to Jaekyung? There is more to the story than him. You don’t even know my opinion on Jinx. I never told anyone. What if I never read it and I am here because people like you have driven people away what only wanted to talk about the story unbiased.
“Go touch grass and let people criticise whatever the hell they want. The world doesnt revolve around you.”
You go touch grass. The world doesn’t revolve around your abusive self. There is a difference between hate and criticism. Why can’t people be unbiased about this story and are driven away by hate like people like you. Who are abusive to them.
Why are you causing fake drama?
Why imposing fake positions and opinions on us.
How is this about the abuse in the story.

I don’t get it either. His comments don’t correspond.
It is a toxic story and a toxic relationship. It doesn’t make sense to criticize the abuse each chapter. They are stuck on repeat. They know this type of story and it is not going to change. They are wasting their time. They are being abusive to others and to themselves. This can’t be good for their health.
Have I said I liked this story? No. It is funny how they tried to make me something to attack me. There is no denying the abuse in the story and no denying the abuse in Nathaniel comments aim at us.
Friday the 13th has 12 movies.
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Jason X (2002)
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
Friday the 13th (2009)
Why said the same thing negative feedback for each movie? Normal people would watch one and if they didn’t like they would drop it and not came back. And not watch all the movies. Then watch the movies with commentary. It doesn’t make sense. They could spend that time on something more productive for them. They have no affect on the movies. That hate and negativity will start harming their bodies. Why harm themselves?
I literally can’t even be bothered to read a whole chapter of this anymore (literally skimmed the last 3) cus of how bad it is, there’s no development just no communication, red flags and sex. So boring…