umm.... ...

Kana_Rizzuki December 4, 2016 5:10 pm

umm.... in the second panel, is that really Yuuji's foot? if yes, wow... you have really long legs there, Yuuji kun or... is it just me who found it weird? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    dawn December 4, 2016 8:53 pm

    I think it's just the perspective. The legs are a little exaggerated to make it more obvious that he's being picked up and taken away. It looks more like it's in motion than a flat one.

    But perhaps sensei did go a little far with it. I didn't notice, but I was... otherwise occupied. *grins filthily*

    Kana_Rizzuki December 5, 2016 7:27 am
    I think it's just the perspective. The legs are a little exaggerated to make it more obvious that he's being picked up and taken away. It looks more like it's in motion than a flat one.But perhaps sensei did go... dawn

    heheheh..... i get what you mean *wink wink*